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1 year ago


I have a visitor last night, a FROG was swimming on my bucket full of water and decided to free him by using the water to water the plants and there he was freed. I was anxious since I am still going to rough times in my life. I mean a real rough and tough one! There are a lot of reads especially from different sources and really find these reads interesting

Astrological reads

While it mostly comprising positive vibes including fertility and financial alleviation, it also has some negative vibes like betrayal of trust and curses, it all focused on change. Change is inevitable they say so transformation is to be expected in the coming days whether it be good or bad. Hayst!

Biblical reads

FROG is an acro for FAITHFULLY TRUSTING ON GOD. Wow! Powerful message that made me think. Do I really trust God in the course of what I am getting through? Have I not spewed poisonous talks about someone? The answer is yes, to myself. Though I haven’t spread it to anyone but arriving here at the office I was pissed by her because of her ways “practical ways” but actually I should be thanking her for helping me through rough times. Makes me think about my behavior today and I realized I was ungrateful. I was the one betraying her. While those are merely venting my frustrations, it was really wrong to vent it on her when I should be grateful.

I am glad to be corrected and realize how lucky I am to have someone who cares for me in rough situation like this. She may not be at all the same with others but it is her way of expressing concern.

While I have such, God answered my prayers... Little by little we'll take it a step at a time. Thank you Lord for not forsaking me.


God has a way of manifesting our thoughts and correct them. FROG means to entrust everything to him while working on the resolutions we are thinking at hand for he will definitely guide us through the roughest journeys in life. Have faith, it will never be easy but in due time it will all be over, just trust and have faith. Light shows at the end of every tunnel.

Do what you have to do and trust in Him to work it out and make it happen.

Sept 14, 2022
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Written by
1 year ago


Frog I love your title, best of it all the biblical meaning of frog

$ 0.00
1 year ago

God brings always good behavior to us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

God has created everything perfect and noble. I love thier way of swimming especially when frog is in pond. Thanks for writing about Frog.

$ 0.01
1 year ago