Exploring: Writing for an audience

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1 year ago

Okay. I need extra income and a bunch of them, loads if I might be lucky!

So there was an advertisement on FB that I clicked, it was about “freelancing: writing emails”.

To be honest, I’m not saying I’m lazy – though at some point I am. But perhaps, embedded in the genes that I find living in my comfort zone highly likely than not or, employment was an ideal concept of growing up, and my autism – resistance to change, got the most of it so to speak, so. By giving the authority of … - an implication. However, reality bites and that reality is no longer true these days.

It’s been a while, years actually that I’ve been thinking of a part-time job but haven’t started one. An SEO friend of mine introduced me to that but, it slipped my world. I tried affiliate marketing, though, and I was successful in creating traffic but no income. Although I still have proposals none were monetized. The only thing I was able to monetize were the projects sent by my friend, creative writings which was not all the time and now she is gone, so move on!

Now it really got me thinking. I can write, what I need is exposure. Though I maintained that I still will be writing here in readcash in accordance with my writing, not the need for an audience. But I honestly feel the need to learn to create content for an audience, to explore other worlds beyond this realm. Lolz.

Keeping it professional, nothing more. Like I have always done in the years of working in this industry. I have never felt the need to fake anything in my responses, just have to do it professionally. The only difference is the integrity I put in my position as a specialist while the integrity I put into my writing, right? Well, that’s left to be seen.

There will be specifics in the content, that may or may not be full to its merits but you can always write along those lines. Everything has merits and demerits. However, I can choose to focus on the real content. Fallacies are a common misdemeanor in writing these days, especially in ads – that I often ask if the maker of the ad is really as good as reputed, why the need to deceive? Right? As I have a rule of thumb: “flex, stretch, knot, or bend the law to your flavor, but never break it”. I always believe good writers will be able to bridge gray areas as a necessity without breaking anything. Hahaha! Putting the mind into a “pressure cooker”, so the stress is most likely. But, to think of it, that’s how thinking out of the box is born, ayt? Well, let’s see. I’m still thinking of trying it, doing it is another thing. So good luck to me!

At this age, the challenge is just a word. Sorry, but life’s ups and downs are just up ahead that “challenge” hardly befits the experience. “Struggles” befits more and compliments the situations to its point and the resolutions thereafter! I’m not looking for anything for a meaningful life or anything in that line, but I've started writing, might as well put this into action. I’m not challenging myself, I am just someone who is trying to earn more by making use of the newly learnt skill set. If I could be successful here on readcash, it's not a guarantee to succeed elsewhere but at least there is groundwork.

As to anyone who already had it figured out, do continue doing it and share with us your adventure! While those like me exploring, will definitely post updates, keeping ourselves updated! Thank u as always for reading!

August 28, 2022
Image: pinterest

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1 year ago


Success is built by realize many challenges consecutivelly step by step and not achieving 3 challenges in same time because it is stressful.

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1 year ago

Thank u my friend... Thanks for dropping by!

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