Equality, is actually fighting over an equal opportunity.

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2 years ago

It’s heart-warming reading "Let Men be Men" @Pearlkel . I would totally agree on his what he stated that men and women cannot be equal and that nothing in life will make them equal. Man is truly created superior in every way than to woman, most especially manifested on physical strength.

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However, women’s fight is never really about equality in rights. While its pretty obvious that man is truly great however, women too would like to have an equal opportunity… opportunity to grow in strength, knowledge, work and many more… it wasn’t really about the puny thought that we want equal rights… it was all about given the “equal opportunity”.

In history, women were reduced to as low as a “property of men”, many are referred to as slaves to a point of… you know what I mean… Everything women did, needs permission from a “man”. We cannot make decisions of our own, we need approval from the “man of the house” before we were allowed or we could proceed. That way, it was crippling any women, don’t you think?

It was a movement way back then when women were actually pleading with men to entrust them to make decisions of our own. That we might not be subjected to any man’s approval. Like, we could be someone we can be, by allowing us education like men do. Allowing us to go to decent school since women’s education were somehow limited to household works, sewing, laundry and very minor jobs. Like we can travel somewhere afar without any permission from “the man of the house”, like our fathers – as we were often reprimanded. We were fighting for “freedom to make our own choice”. Like, we were fighting to make our own decision when regards to “whom we marry” and not be dictated or be conjoined to betrothal, or not marry at all. And in bad marriage, woman often found themselves unable to escape from the house of hell where she had to endure cruelty either mental or physical abuse because she was not allowed to make money of her own, totally depend on the husband. This was an established fact that man, with their greatness, had the tendency to abuse or be over jealous, though of course with exceptional men as well but there were. We all knew that “what’s a woman’s physical strength in comparison to man”? We were fighting to be heard, the freedom to reason with men, using logic to treat us equally as they treat their fellow men, undauntingly equal. That we were capable of reasoning too, we were not made to just sit and do nothing or cry whole day. We might cry for a while but it was our expression to relieve us from the burden in our hearts, but after that we will be more productive more than ever. We are not like dolls to be displayed as trophies or to be thrown away when no longer in need. (sorry). We're capable of fighting too, like the movie MULAN had showed. We're trainable like men do but of course, men's body were especially made to survive harsh environment but we too could, given the proper training. We were fighting a seat where we will be able to reason with men that we too were capable of responsibilities, especially to ourselves, not just to our children but to keep our family: raise, feed, make a home, educate and so much more. We were fighting to be respected as an individual, not just a woman as a man would view it but like a man respecting his fellow man… we were aiming for that kind of respect, thus “equality”.

It is not really “equality” per se for we will never equal a man’s greatness but we were fighting for the glimpse that man will see and respect us like he respect any other man. That kind of respect that we long to have. All in all, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, man and woman alike. We just really need to accept it, not by a given standard but as how we are capable of making things happen in our lives. Man ruled those times, and women pleaded for equality. It’s a delusion that women could ever equal with men, as I don’t think that was ever the goal. We only want to enjoy the privileges men were enjoying those times, we only asked for an opportunity. And here we are… its true what they say, there are things women can do that men cant do! Too obvious to mention it, men can never give birth but it is their seed that forms a child. While men do well on operating machineries but women do well on electronic factories due to dexterity. These are the obvious little things I know will not change overtime as the lists of what women can’t do what men can do has become slimmer by the year. Attempts are already done to overcome the true nature of men, like transgender. For now, transgender can’t conceive but perhaps, if man plays God more… thank u for the read. Just expressing my thoughts. God bless.

April 22, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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2 years ago


If you bring the same food to an adult or to a born child it is not equality, equality is to donate to each one his necessity of food because an adult will eat all this food while a child couldn't eat even a quarter of this food. This is the same for men or women, a man couldn't be pregnant and this is something specific to women to get holidays from work.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank u, basically as it was written...

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2 years ago