Two days I was out because it is weekend and lappy is on its funerals rites and burial is at hand. There is no way I can write an article using my phone so I have to have a PC to do so. What I do is usually compose an article, save it on draft on and I can use my phone to edit, placing pictures on it downloaded from my FB account and publish. But I run out of articles over the weekend and fail to have a reserve, so I was out.
Now, now! Good day everyone. Two days, people are complaining about the weather being very undecided, whether it’s going to rain or shine. And finally, the sun is up so brightly. Whether it is going to rain later or not, it doesn’t matter, it’s now bright outside. Feeling the warmth of today after the coziness of the night, so nice. Won’t be bombarding this article with images because I don’t have any caricature to show.
It always starts with a simple envy. Then the heart grows longing for something that fills in the space inside where God created that is supposed to filled with compassion but now replaced with jealousy. As it grows, it complicates the more. Starting to compare, then it grows to compete. And it continually grows, ever. Continue to grow into insatiable thirst to be recognized. A never ending thirst to be the best.
From simple envy, turned into jealousy. What does it beget? Well for many, a very healthy competition. Others fail to overcome, becomes an insecurity. Some leads to unhealthy competition, insatiable need to be recognized that may or may not lead to bitterness/misery. Oh! A never ending list of pros and cons.
Then the urge becomes insatiable. Which usually ends up in misery.
I don’t want to write an analogy but was about to do that just then anyway. Envying somebody else’s success could lead to a good competition. Why? Because it helps us motivate ourselves to put our best foot forward. We will strive to learn more things, new things that will give us an advantage to be noticed in a crowded room. We all have talents and skills, and it only matters if we stand out on 1st impression, to be notice out of a 100 to 1, or a 1million to 1. Imagine the competition in today’s world. It is not easy. It actually aides us in our survival in today’s world.
But when you are already noticed and not contented but craved for more. Say, if you already have a house but your friend has a mansion. You may go push yourself to work harder and surpass your friend’s mansion and got yourself a palace! Wow! The grandiosity. Well, considering from where you come from, putting up wealth may take time. You may end up being alone in the dark because it took your youth to get your palace. Or may lost your family because you were submerged on work and forgot you have a family. May have provided well for them but somebody else took your wife because someone else has her attention while you were submerged at work. Good if you were lucky to have a very faithful and loyal wife, that is. Or you lost your health as you worked hard, harder everyday disregarding sleep and meals, accumulating a lot of stress just to get yourself a palace.
Hmmm… a bitter end at hand. However, it all boils to our choices you know. Whatever we put our heart into. What’s the most thing we value the most, is really up to what we feed our heart with? Whatever our motivation in our lives will be, putting good in our heart, mind and action will beget good and most likely contentment in every good deed. But when we place malice in our heart, mind and action. We may achieve greater things in this world but there are things we may also loose, family, friends, health and more.
It always starts with a little envy, that’s why the early church labeled envy as part of the 7 capital sins because it begets a lot of things including insatiable greed, -here covetousness. I’m not judging, I’m simply making an introspection in life, stating it clearly on my wall. It’s a secret but told all out-aloud and echoes. Some come across and read, and still a secret because anonymity that I get for speaking this loud. Oh how convenient.
Thank u so much for reading. ‘til next article. God bless.
Covetousness is a bad habit and shouldn't be what we do at all, it destroys people and ruin their life.