Collecting Cryptos again!

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Written by
1 year ago

Wow! I’m back to collecting cryptos again. This time not through faucets but writing and reading articles and tipping them!

I have been a writer for readcash for 10 months and collected an ample amount. I have lost all because I cashed it out due to necessity. Now, I’ve got some help, I planned on saving it up to build up a portfolio! Geez, now I am building a portfolio! Not that I am too inclined but some parts of me is saying so. I already started this journey not so long ago, I might as well continue since earning is really reasonable and more concrete now than before.

I’ve also thought of building a portfolio for the market but funds are really low, however, there are apps that help you build up a goal that requires a minimum amount as low as Php 50. Enticing and I already started it last year. Profitable, sure but not as high as if you have the amount.

Suddenly I realized that collecting crypto through faucets before was too minimal to celebrate and I have spent hours and days, months to years just to collect some and lost some. Now with due diligence and hard work, I can collect more than I ever did.

Readcash, for instance. By writing articles, I have earned more than I have expected. I grew as a writer and the person that I am, and at the same time learned a lot in joining this community. Tipping and commenting too became fun.

Noisecash, I no longer stayed. The demand is there and if you give it enough push yes, but too much social media for me is overwhelming. So I now limit myself to readcash.

Publish0x. I wasn’t so eager until Eth is an earning option. So I came back to write or repost my articles with a little twist, tipping at the end of every read. Where some of the tips go to my wallet. Hmm, I cannot deny I was enticed and addicted to making tips and posting articles.

Hive, I haven’t figured HIVE out but trying hard to. When I crack it perhaps.

So far these are cryptos I am earning. However, @Mintdice wrote something that got me interested. I will be checking it out on the weekends as I’d be home doing a lot of gardening.

I'm taking my time, slowly this time...

August 17, 2022
Image: pinterest


$ 1.77
$ 1.69 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @akagaminoDneloy
$ 0.03 from @valo
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Avatar for Jento
Written by
1 year ago


I have not tried PublishOx although some people have been talking about it recently, do you think I should give it a go? BTW, I tried to give you a reply to the comment you left on my post but I can´t see said comment, is something wrong with my account or the platform?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

No I deleted it!!! Welcome back! It's good to have u again! Yes give publishox a try...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha ok ok, I got scared for one minute there 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well, it was like this: "mi amiga, mi amiga! welcome back! been missing you!" it sounded too excited and i got embarrassed... hahaha! sorry! well, really happy having you back!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha it was wonderful haha thank you for that warm and exciting welcome!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm cross-posting to Publish0x. I can follow you there if you share your link :)

$ 0.01
1 year ago

go go! Its fun, same name. Remember to set up your tip and do tips, and write as well. Small but everything starts small though!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Publish0X is only using ERC 20 networks and you cannot tip comments on your articles unlike read cash or noise cash.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's ok, it's only passive. At least when u tip, something's coming to Ur end too... Win win.

$ 0.00
1 year ago