City lights – urban life!

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2 years ago

The busy streets and the rustling roads, and the city lights that brightens the evening – an urban life. I wouldn’t say it’s a promising life. But generally, it’s promising for some, success for some too but may be doom a bunch of few who lost track of goodness and aliveness of the night.

I have been living in back in the city for about a year now and going my 2nd together with my boys. I have concerns which seems to out-weight the pros but in the end, to put it bluntly there is what I call “urban stress”.

The city offers a lot of opportunity especially on career growth. While suburban life offers the most solace and tranquil living… Urban life offer a variety of chances and opportunity, plenty to choose from. From tranquil living to the most exotic adventure one can ever dream off, you name it and you can have it. Of course it entirely depends how you pursue, whether it be career success, love-life or dreams in life, it all depends on you. While the promises remains, there are actually a lot of pitfalls, because you will never know that you are lured into some kind of a trap or be mislead to believe something not true. Deception is always at hand because there just so many things in this world that is too good to be true. The fallacies that were meant to lure you into thinking something beautiful, exciting and vibrant only to know in the end that all is wasted including your own health.

Our ignorance and innocence sometimes leads to bad choices because of lack of experience and knowledge that will actually lead into a lot of uncertainties and tests. Testing everything you have, even the very core of you. Especially when you mingle with friends that lures you to venture something new and don’t know. Like the vast schemes that is readily available in the market today. Business ventures that presents very lucrative opportunity but lacks the experience, leads to a lot of spending and investing wholeheartedly expecting a return of investment and ended up being “scammed”. The ones that takes your trust and dumps you when it is over, leaving you in great suffering and mishap. Night life can be very entertaining and exciting, meeting new friends and fun, without knowing the diseases they carry with them as it doesn’t seem to show or manifest during the introduction. Without good tact and vigilance, you will definitely end up sick – like those who never expected to get HIV/AIDs/STD and many others. On the other hand, some are raped because they were drugged and others sold or imprisoned, sold to be slaves and who knows when and if they can ever escape. When life throws something your way, unequipped , making you unable to see through and be overwhelmed with surprises... out of this could get out of hand and really tangles much trouble. In the end, render you hopeless and depress that even death presents a more rational logic than face it heads on. Taking away everything that you hold dear.

While on the other hand, with tact and vigilance... Success can be achieved with due diligence, patience and hard work... as nothing is successfully done in an instant. Because if it were, Einstein would have developed his equation in a day - wouldn't he? While others chose to live a simple life, like what I prefer the most.

Right now, I'm not in a limbo of what I prefer. I do know what I want... my only concern is passing these, my knowledge to my boys as they are still growing and I know they will stay and will definitely encounter a lot of what I just written. I can only hope to impart so much to them, to guide them in their choices and hopefully... will arrive home safety as all mothers pray for! Thank you for the read, 'till next time!

May 18, 2022
Images: Pinterest

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2 years ago
