Christmas, the start of a new beginning!

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2 years ago

I would begin my day asking, why is it easy for people to pass judgment on anyone? Just because they saw you once and they “feel” they know you already? Or is it because your life is in great disarray, allows them to give a piece of their mind? Gives them the right of passage?! Wow! Sad but many times I heard them professing like Christians and goes to church every weekend and yet didn’t find themselves unworthy of any criticism but rather they have the ounce of strength telling everyone what they have done wrong in their lives.

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I would like to stress. Christianity = Christ, I am nothing. All throughout Jesus’ life was never about condemning people of their sins but rather opposite, He came to save us. All throughout his journey He showed us compassion than condemnation. Believing doesn’t mean we continue to live the way we used to but we change, for the greater good? Oh no! Its salvation that comes from believing in Christ. When we believe, comes change from within. Transform to confirm the renewal in our lives. That is now the working of the Holy Spirit within us. And its manifested in our daily lives and it never stops to evolve.

The Challenge

The challenge of Christian before and now has never diminished. All the more now, the call for Christianity amidst all crisis experienced all around the world. Im not calling for unity, I’m calling for all Christians to wear their faith and tell the world what we are like! Unscathed in the face of troubles. That we’d be more forgiving than whats most practice, patience and tolerant, move with compassion with those who doesn’t know how to live with compassion. Simple, humble and kind. And in this time of the year lets show them magnanimity unheard off like we always do! Especially for those lonely, desperate and the afflicted, as no one else is concerned about them. Many would be too tired and too busy to reach out, give them their time to at least speak or talk with them – a cup of coffee or meal with them. Then why just not spend it whole day then! What would you lose? Time? We lose every second in every minute, so why just not give them that?

I am sorry, but Catholics has been condemned by many Christian believers because of the doctrines taught by the church. You see, as Catholic, I have the right to practice and exercise the doctrines I want to live in. So, not all are taught are practiced! We reserve the right to choose! Like other Christian sector, there are condemnation practices and doctrines too. In the history of Catholicism, a king renounced his faith because he wants to DIVORCE his wife, thus separation from Roman Catholicism because the Central of Command did not approve – then the comes formation of Protestantism. Although in the early times, God permitted (OLD TESTAMENT) but hey! Review the scriptures even Jesus rebuked it! There is another one more recent and prominent these days, the “WEALTH MINISTRY”. Need I say much? It sprang in the late 19th century and still is regarded despite upheaval or critical criticism about it. Do I need to stress?


Yeah, why do we argue? I really refused to be dragged down to this path because its pointless. Its morbid and horrible. Christianity is not about right and wrong. Its about the truth in Christ. Lets continue to serve the Lord our God to the best of our everything. We catholics, we have martyrs we look onto like “Mother Teresa”. I mean, its not for the show! If she was being hypocrite, oh no!, I wonder how a hypocrite last wearing her shoes! For crying out loud its never easy. Oh! The stories told, OMG, you will be astonished how shed gone all through the years caring for the sick and the poor! Believe me, its never easy! It’s a 24/7 care because you will never know the sick will have an emergency, I attended to my mom! And she was not only attending to A patient but to PATIENTS, -plural, many. And this is a little opportunity to be on Jesus’ shoe, in this little way she has and this is good on her! We are moved by such magnanimity that a woman could be such, moved with compassion to her these misfortunate strangers because we all know that this wasn’t easy. Should this be easy, ahhh, God wouldn’t have made such effort and sacrifice! But lo, Jesus came!


Yes! Satan’s target is the church. Been trying to rip it apart from the beginning. And we are not called for to change prophecy but to sit and wait, strengthen our Christian core.

We are called for VIGILANCE “Look, I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! ... Strong's 1127: (a) I am awake (in the night), watch, (b) I am watchful, on the alert, vigilant.” (Revelation 16:15). Because anytime the end will fall, CHRISTIANS are saved! Because anytime now, we will be all called to have the “MARK OF BEAST” on our bodies, desecrating it – and any CHRISTIAN will rather die than have the mark. So, by the time this is so, we wont fear the coming of our Lord but sing praises and worship Him even if costs us our lives!

Then Remember, PETER was reproached by Jesus by trying to stop the prophecy of His death in Gethsemane. Just a thought. Now, I know I will be quoted and criticized. But hey! I told you already I’m not scholarly, just understanding the Bible in layman’s term. We can really believe what we want to because in the end, it all boils down between YOU AND GOD! I'm just sayin! God bless.

Dec 14, 2021
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2 years ago
