Broke, but not Broken

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2 years ago

I have been working straight 15yrs, permanent employee for two companies, 5yrs in manufacturing (though I’m not an engineering graduate) and 10yrs in publishing, and here I am wandering where all my income went? Arggg…

Well, to start with, was able to help send my siblings to college but was able to do some savings still despite. And I get older, met someone and eventually became a mom of two boys. Oh no! I became a mom. I never imagined having babies was that expensive!

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This took a part of me. I meant, I was never good at kids and I was just lucky I got a good training from hubby. Responsibility was the easy part, providing him what he needs but taking care of him was something I was truly clueless. Changing diapers and feeding was the easy part, playing and putting him to bed was the crazy part. And another crazy part was when he screamed and cried, oh gosh, like it was really crazy, crazy and worst, and it lasted for hours. Phew!

They’re not just expensive, they get you crazy! Believe me.


I had to hire nannies when hubby died because if I were to survive them, had to continue working. That added up to expenses. From their milk & diapers, now nannies, really took a big slice on my income. True that we didn’t have to rent because I got to live back with my parents but it wasn’t for free. Groceries were mine plus the nannies to hire because my mom wasn’t young anymore to look after the kids, to think they’re boys. And I had no other extra income, all the more. My family did participate in taking care of them but I cannot rely on that because they also have their lives, which was the reason why nannies were hired.


Oh! They all grow up and gosh, wasted so much on toys. It is with a purpose. I couldn’t take it away but buy some treats every time I got home from work. I like it when I surprised them with something, menu they like: Jollibee or doughnuts. I seek their smiling faces every time, so I would make it a point to buy something when I go home from work. Nannies are still there but they were all gone, looking for something better or worst. I didn’t know how to make them stay but they just kept on disappearing. I work night shift so I ended up looking for someone to sleep with them in the night and I was just glad to find a senior high student and paid him allowance to do that.

Clothes and food

Well, they grow up so fast that they change clothes and shoes all the time. Now kuya (eldest) is taller and at the stage where he feels like more adult than a kid, all the more. The growing need to impress girls and friends too. Bunso (youngest sibling), also has his demands, -simple but delicious food.



Children drive me crazy. Babies are not expensive because they are babies. They are expensive because their milk costs a lot along with the diaper, the vaccines, the medicines when they’re sick, oh! All the more craziness. Yes, they drive me crazy thinking over the expenses each time and they drive me even crazier when they smile at me when I come home from work, taking all the worries and stress away. Yes, get crazy in love with them, and it all grew as the years goes by. That’s when I decided that my career goal will just be mediocre so I will be home in time for diner and will be home still to prepare their breakfast going to school. I know that when I climbed up the ladder of successful career, I will be losing time for my kids. And even if I cannot afford a lot of things for them, at least they get to see me most of the time. Prepare them home cook meals, bake them some cakes and cupcakes or cookies perhaps, read them some bedtime stories which they looked forward all the time. Teaching them to read and write, something they’d appreciate as they grow up. Living within our means also is something I want them to learn. Not everything in life we ever dreamed of comes true, I have to make a choice and I am just glad with my choice. Now they’re all grown, I have to manage planning for their college studies. As the expenses grow, I need to find ways to augment and I am not really good at this.

For years I tried to look for extra income but it all failed, even with crypto collection I failed. And I was glad to be introduced to platform. At first, I know I didn’t do anything to hone writing skills and now I get the hang of it and I loved it because I am learning and earning. Even just a few, this is already much. And is something I can save every month, all reserved for their future. And I’m just glad I continued.

Broke but not broken. It is great decade so to speak! And another decade to look forward with at least and by my side, wouldn’t be so broke after all. Thank u, ‘til the next article.

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2 years ago
