An anecdote told by my plant!

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2 years ago

April, about a time I had an array of hanging plants of different varieties. All a favorite, none was spared. Unfortunately “String of Pearls” were… disheartening! Oh my! Oh my! What had gone wrong? When everybody else thrive and you? Only a bough that is barely there! Argggggghhh! Frustrating! Ha! (sigh) Ok!

While you are barely there, “String of Hearts” was just gorgeous! To think 3 propagation in a short time, oh lovely!

String of Hearts, to its name… a heart-shaped leaves, bind in pairs not one. They say an every-green succulent but mine is purple-colored leaves, nice! While overwater results a swollen foliage, it loves the combination of kisses in the rain and dances with the heat of the sun.

Fascinating tube-like purple flower that adorns the every strings while itching to pinch that swollen foliage. Oh! Marvelously beautiful as it lavishly hang its strings in the air, growing almost 5-foot tall!

Then I got sick, sold some of them away. Cutting the stems to propagate more and lo! Oh my! It cried?! It got me thinking.

Looking at the cut strings, made me wonder! How a delicate plant to be telling me it is hurt! Showing me it cried when I cut the strings, excessive water at the end of the string. While it's foliage… wow! Now, it’s telling me something I never expected.

Carefully looking its strings, the “heart-shape foliage, bind in pairs never alone”… is like when two hearts decided to become one! That none can live without the other! The swollen leaves representing a very profound way of saying “we have a good life together, and continues to do so”. That, we shared a lot of memories together that has swelled us up all this time.

A uniquely tube-like magenta flower, everly so purple, a product of our togetherness that spell bounds our hearts forevermore! Beating as one, giving beauty to their togetherness! A product that exhumes their uniqueness.

Oh! How humanely the story it foretold. Like hearts that binds themselves in marriage, committing themselves to forevermore, bearing each other through thick and thin – as the swollen foliage. Whilst their pride – child/children they bore, reared together like the uniqueness of their flower. Flaunting it dearly in every occasion that follows. A heart that beat as one that one cannot live without the other.

Oh how beautiful it is… to find love in a certain way! For a heart to find another that fits and cannot live without in the passage in time. The memories and struggles only binds and strengthen the foundations that one become irreplaceable in time, cannot function when one is gone.

Oh! The heart that God binds together in a lifetime that no man shall ever tear it apart! Such love, such faith, such devotion… that rarely happens in a while. A lingering thought that every girl would like to dream.

Hmmm… how wonderful it is to resonate the tale it tells to human lives! As its anatomy clearly dictates the simplicity of its message which only can wonder! Almost all lovers fell in love in an instant but only few lasts…

To love for a lifetime, yes! I would love that!

June 27, 2022
Image: Pinterest 
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Written by
2 years ago


Plans are beautiful and good for place at home for decoration.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sister I love gardening and I have many flowering plant. I am curious to know about it, I hope I shall be able to find a plant like this in my region.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hey sis! The plant thrives in hot regions...surely u can find one there ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago