A Great Thanksgiving, Its Christmas!!!

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2 years ago

Its Christmas!! So many thanks to everyone! Another Thursday, just a week after the typhoon hit our place and true, its been a very long week for all of us here! And oh! Christmas is just around the corner.

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A day before Christmas

Its inspiring to see people with smiles on their faces despite the disaster we are facing. And well, I am part of those who feels bruised all over, all the muscle pains and joints, exhausted. Yes, Christmas is just around the corner and still faced with challenges but despite that we little by little the city has restored power to some areas and its just a week – when many expected worst to come like a month wait for the power to be restored but here we are! Though there are still places with no power but their places will be next I believe.


I cant believe people are exchanging words? OMG, trying to make a point in a crisis like this? Really, we cant be critical and do nothing?! Aiyt? We cant just point the criticality of the situation and just pin it to government because our government is already helpless too. If people are broke, oh no, the government too! With the pandemic, OMG, no more funds for anything else which is why we do what we can do! Mobilize ourselves, initiate restoration right on our doorstep and don’t act helpless because as long as we have limbs, hands and feet, we can act. After acting on our own area, then extent the act and do community service! Oh common get real! The government can only do much! They have families to attend too you know, they are human like us! Everyone is trying to help! Honestly, oh! On FB, there are people posting they have drinking water and extended help to those who are really in need. Even our own company who are so concerned with their employees, who equally are dedicated too, extended charging of our cellphones and other chargeable materials to support our houses – especially communications.  Yes, up-to-date, there are still debris outside our roads in this business center but the priority is clearing and restoration of the lines to power up the business center and not the cleaning up – we can actually do this ourselves! We are extremely happy with the little progress because its not as gloomy as last week. Yes, days of news blockout wasn’t at all appreciated by families apart. Well, I am just glad and really make use of social medias where I can post pictures and videos and update them with what’s going on the city. And I am extremely grateful for our company’s assistance on communication – for letting us charge for free and don’t have to line outside and wait long hours for our turn. There are sad stories like demand-supply is up so prices went x2 in such short notice but, that doesn’t kill us though. But hey! All these are expected, we just got out of storm and it was just last week!


Oh! Despite body aches, im happy and excited to go home and celebrate Christmas! Yes! Here it is, on the eve of the day! Looking forward to baby sit our 1st baby girl. It’s a solemn celebration tonight, a great thanksgiving after the storm and a humble one!!! We really have so much to be thankful and grateful for! Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers! Lets spread love and joy in celebrating Christmas! God bless! And merry, merry Christmas! Hugs and kisses! Mwah, mwah, mwah!!! Love lots!

December 24, 2021
Images from pinterest

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2 years ago
