A merry heart

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2 years ago
April 28, 2022

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

I think today or should I say in just half day, I have taken one of the best natural medicine in time - a merry heart.

I never expected that I will be writing an article about my current experience, a fresh experience just this morning. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time I would write a day happenings.

I am planning to write different article today but I have a merry heart and I want to share to you why. I was able to share some at noise.cash but after posting it, another blessing came.

I have a merry heart right now and I felt so blessed.

Blessed with the gift of life

I am thankful that God gives me another day and He wakes me up on time early this morning. I am the one who will call my team mates on the Team Harana to wake them up and remind them that we will serenade one of our churchmate because it is his birthday. I was able to call them up and met on the celebrant's house.

Blessed with the gift of time to exercise

We don't have a tricycle or motorcycle to ride going to the celebrant's house so we decided to hike. We walked early in the morning and the fogs is there. Oh, I haven't take same pictures of it because I never taught that I will be writing this article. I will not waste the chance that my mind really wanted to write this right now.

I am thankful that we were able to have some walking exercise early in the morning. My 4 year old son is also with me. He is the youngest among the Team Harana of our church.

Blessed to hear God's word

Everytime we serenade, it wouldn't be complete without making a short program. I already explained it on my article Have you experienced being serenaded?

During the program, not only the celebrant will be blessed with God's word but every person who will listen to the message and I am one of them.

The one who gave the message reminded us that God is the owner of life. He is also our shelter when the storms of life will come into our life. He will cover us with His mighty wings as like the hen protect her chicks.

Blessed to eat some foods

Food is always available every serenading time. Even it is simple or rich foods but food is always there. We were able to eat arozcaldo, pancit and bread that made our stomach full.

The celebrant also gave us a young jackfruit. It is good to cook it for viand.

Blessed to have time to chitchat with friends

Having a free time to chitchat with friends will help you relax for a while. It will enable you to forget some problems of life and just focus on the time spent with friends. Talking and laughing is a good bonding while enjoying some foods that being served.

Blessed to have a generous neighbor

I was not able to cook viand for breakfast because we go out early to serenade but God is so good. Our neighbor brought us one mug of banana and carrots smoothie plus fish (paksiw). Instantly, we have a viand for breakfast.

This neighbor also invited us to go to her friend because it is her birthday.

Blessed to pray for someone

Our neighbor invited me to the birthday of her friend because she wants me to pray for that friend. Prayer is also one of the best gift we could offer to someone especially to the celebrant.

Simple things is a blessing. It will make us blessed everyday. We only need to appreciate simple things and be grateful for it. If we recognize it as a blessings, our heart will be filled with joy and always remember that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. So be happy and enjoy life.

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2 years ago


You know what it's a bless when we have a good neighbor like when we need help they tend to help us. It's seldom that we can encounter some people who are pure in heart that's why if we encounter good people it's a gift from God.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes having a neighbor like them is a great blessing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's how it is Ms. Jen! Lahat talaga na meron tayo, may it sa umaga man, talaga, or sa gabi pa yan. May it malaki or maliit, BLESSING yan lahat. We are blessed kasi may God tayo na maaasahan sa lahat nang oras. May it good or bad times, nandiyan talaga Siya lagi. May i-se-send din talaga Siya na mga instruments para matulungan tayo. Basta uie.. WE ARE BLESSED BECAUSE GOD IS OUR LORD!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes ren, the blessing will come unexpectedly. Even di mo pa hiniling alam nya na ano need mo and He will send an answer agad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed Ms. Jen. Kaya tiwala lang talaga that He will do what's best for us!😇☝️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How good it is when we think positive. Anything we can do when we have an open heart to any challenge. Nice to meet you JenThoughts !

$ 0.00
2 years ago