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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Emotions

Everyone has own way. On that way, we meet different people, get in love, find a husband or wife, form friendships. Sometimes we form friendships with people who later disappoint us. We get married and then get divorced. We get in love and when we get to know a person we are in love with better, we are not in love anymore. We meet different people who become our neighbors, colleagues and sometimes we feel that we don't need them and that we would feel better if we didn't meet them... There are so many people around us and sometimes we feel like there are just few of them. That people, just few of them, are special for some reasons.

Who are they?

Just few of them... People with whom we can keep quiet and understand each other. People with whom we laugh easily. People who say what we thought. People who think what we said. People who love the same things like us and who share the same values, interests and passions. We don't need to be the same like them. We could be totally different but we can still understand each other. We are connected to them but we do not depend on them. They are our soulmates. Someone didn't meet soulmate yet. Someone met more than one soulmate.

My soulmates

When it comes to love relationships, 10 years ago I met my soulmate. We got married and we built our family. I found out that my husband is my soulmate when I realize that when we are together I am who I am, I don't need to make an effort to explain my behavior. He accepts me as I am and that moment in your life is moment that provides the greatest freedom to you.

When I was a child I met one friend who is my best friend. For 30 years we understand each other better than anyone else understand us. We laugh together all the time and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She is also my soulmate.

My father also was my soulmate. I don't like to speak about him in past, so I will say he is still my soulmate. I have never been so connected to anyone like I am connected to him.

Sometimes we suddenly meet some persons and we realize that they are our soulmates even if we don't know each other well. It soon happened to me. I was looking for some English course to improve my English conversation and suddenly on the internet I found one English teacher for online course. We started with classes and due to our conversation, we realize that we have many things in common. I really feel that she is my soulmate even if we don't know each other personally.

Final words

There is no exact explanation of what a soul mate is. It's something you feel. You feel a connection that is lasting and unbreakable. Do you have your soul mate? Think about it. If you are not sure, it means that you have not yet met your soulmate and I believe you will meet her soon.

Article and photo are original. They belong to me.

Thank you very much for reading.

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Emotions


Ohhh how I wish !y soulmate would appear, one day whenever the time is right.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It will happen, I am sure. As you said it will happen when the time is right.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Recently I also found my another soulmate ,a person who has similar feelings,emotions and beliefs.that peerson Is similar in many things,we just think in the same time about same things,in the same or similar way..I just know I can trust Her,whatever I ask she honestly responds,and I feel that her words are also my words,Her thoughts were thought by my soul too and we believe in the same stories.Maybe we can succeed to change each other'negative feelings and worried by helping each other psychologically.Thanks for being my soulmate.You know who you are.I appreciate you very much .Jelena I like your article very much.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thanks a lot for this detailed feedback. I am glad that you understood my words and that you like my article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A soulmate will always you for you, accept whatever flaws you have and not try to change you.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That's true. It is perfect when you could be just who you are without pressure to change yourself.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It really is, doesn't matter if a relative a friend or a love partner as long as they accept you for who you are

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Great to hear that you have managed to come across so many soulmates. I certainly agree that there are the right people for each and every one of us - and I'm not a believer of any kind of higher powers, yet the idea of a soulmate is completely valid.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I also don't believe in any kind of higher powers but I believe in soulmates.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I haven't met anyone yet though but I know one day I will meet my soulmate

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I am sure that everyone in his life meet one day his soulmate. I am sure that you will too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago