Once upon a time...

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Written by
2 years ago

Some books that we had read in our childhood could leave a strong impression that follows us throughout our lives. My inspiration for today's article is my favorite collection of six children's books, that had a great impact on developing my personality.

This edition is "Once upon a time in the meadow" written by Rose Selarose. It is a story about six girls, who live by themselves without any grownups and enjoy their lovely days and adventures. They spend days playing together and doing useful and nice things as cooking, gardening, painting... They take care of each other. Each of them has their own recognizable characteristics and their own interests, talents and hobbies. Each of them has their own personality. I learned a lot from each of them. They represent good values and have a nice impact on the raising children, especially girls.

I found those books few days ago when I was arranging my home library and I was very happy when I saw them. They reminded me of beautiful childhood days.

When I was a child, sometimes I imagined living like those girls. There was a book for each of them. Their original names are Sally, Betty, Claire, Sarah, Diane and Anne. I have books that are transleted into Serbian and their names are different. Their Serbian names are Tanja, Vesna, Maja, Sanja, Jasna and Ana.

Sally (Tanja)

She was an artist. I learned from her that it is great when someone is creative. She painted very nice and I remember that she inspired me to paint.

Even today when I have time, I like to paint something. It is relaxing moment for me.

Betty (Vesna)

She was the youngest and she had an interesting adventure. When she got lost in the forest, girls were worried about her and I realized that it is very nice when we take care for each other. When the girls found her, they were very happy. I remember that I was delighted by nature in that book. Girls picked wild strawberries.

Even today, when I go to some vacation in the mountain, I like to pick forest fruit.

In that book I also started to develop love of animals. Girls took care of the animals.

Claire (Maja)

She was hard working girl. She loved cooking and she inspired me to start cooking and preparing cakes and pastries when I was a kid. She inspired me to prepare food for dear people and to experience happiness in gathering around the table.

Today I like cooking very much. My first recipe was her recipe for one beautiful simple cake. Here it is...

Sarah (Sanja)

She taught me to love plants and gardening. I really started to love flowers after reading that book. Flowers always make me calm and happy.

In the book about her there are useful and taughtful advices about planting.

Diane (Jasna)

She was brave and able to do everything to help someone. She was always on my mind when I were in situation where someone needed help. She was very friendly. This picture speaks a lot about their lovely friendly time...

Anne (Ana)

She was my favorite because she was the most beautiful. I dreamed of being like her. She taught me to take care of my hair and my appearance.

And also there were some good advices how to use nature for our beauty. For example, to eat carrots if we want to have nice skin...

When I was a child I decided that my daughter's name will be Ana if I had daughter. Today I have daughter and her name is Ana. 😊

Thank you very much for reading. Do you have some favorite childhood book?

Article and photos are original and they belong to me.

Best regards to all readers and writers.

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Written by
2 years ago


I was away from the platform for a while. That's why I skipped this article. I just read it and it's a really nice article. I liked Betty the most. When we were children, we used to spend the summer months in our village. We used to go from town to village during the school holidays. When I was a kid, my sister and I picked a lot of forest strawberries. It was very enjoyable. I also remember climbing trees and eating black mulberries. Moreover, the mulberry tree I was climbing was as high as a 10-storey apartment building, and I would climb as high as I could. Back then, I could climb like a monkey. I still remember how my mother was worried that I would fall. But the tastiest fruits were at the top. :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Beautiful story about your childhood. There are always nice memories and we are happy that we have them. Thanks a lot for reading.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What beautiful memories you have of your childhood, you made me remember that my mother in an extreme effort to keep me busy, I was a child with ADHD (I still am, LOL) she gave me "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, I did not know my poor mother the problems that would bring her hahaha because I read it like 5 times and wanted to replicate everything I learned from the book.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Mothers are always in problems wathever the child is. 😊 I loved Tom Sawyer too. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

a picture of a story that inspires every reader, just imagine how creative these girls are starting from their creativity and talent. do you also have a character like them?? surely you have one of them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, those books had a great impact on building my character. I can find myself in each of them. 😊 Very creative books with nice illustrations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Owww i love those, i never had that book but why i feel that i want to read those, so i guess i will read this kind of books. It seems interesting somehow

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, they are very interesting for girls. I love to read them even now when I am adult. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really love this books even I still not read it. It seems like interesting. I think the content is not english, what language is that?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

They are really very interesting. I would recommend it to everyone especially they are very taughtful and interesting gor girls. Those are translated in Serbian because I am from Serbia but original language is English.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeahh it is so much interesting, the content is attractively also. Ohh I see, it came from serbia.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

When I was a child I found a book with different fairy tail stories. I read all of them some of the stories are Cinderella, Snow White, Three little pigs, Jack Nad the beanstalk and many more. I really love reading before however as the days go by and I get old, I prefer to watch than read.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I also like very much stories that you mentioned. I liked to watch them when I was a child. Even today I like to watch some Disney fairy tales. My favorite was Cinderella. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Somehow I was never much into reading fiction. Even those books that were part of the school curriculum were just torture. I admire people who are into books and manage to imagine all the characters and their stories. Maybe I'm a bit too technical a person :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I really was in those books... 😊 I felt like I was one of those girls.I understand if you are more technical person😊 that is also good. You know what you like and that is great.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Even as a child, you decided that your daughter's name would be Ana, as a favorite heroine from the book, wonderful 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, it is my favorite name and that is now the name of my daughter. 😊 She is also beautiful like Ana from the book.

$ 0.00
2 years ago