Mysteries of a healing mountain

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Written by
11 months ago

Do you like to visit mysterious places? I do. I recently shared on Hive my experience from Rtanj mountain in Serbia and it is interesting, so I would like to share it with you as well. I love mysterious places because they always leave you in the imagination and you can never fully discover them, so long after the visit you think about them and admire them.

Rtanj Mountain is a unique natural phenomenon because it rises abruptly from the plain in the form of a pyramid, and for this reason there is a belief that this mountain is actually a pyramid.

It is rich in diverse flora and fauna and protected species. In my country and abroad, Rtanj tea is a well-known brand that has been proven to have very beneficial effects on health, so the demand for it is high. It is made from a combination of medicinal plants that grow on this mountain. It is very drinkable and has a specific taste.

In addition to having a specific pyramid shape, this mountain is mysterious and interesting because huge rooms and many caves were found inside it.

Two magnificent places caught my attention in particular. One of them attracted me because of its name "The place of happiness". It is a source of healing water, which is believed to have many healing effects, as well as relieving stress and filling the body with positive energy.

Another place that caught my attention is considered magical, and that is the Vrelo shrine. This place is considered one of the most powerful in the world due to the large amount of different energies that intertwine, especially magnetic energy. The combination of these energies has a very favorable effect on human health.

It is written there that you will improve your health if you stay there for 20 minutes two days in a row and repeat it again in 15 days. It sounds really magical.

As I mentioned, a lot of mysteries are connected to the mountain Rtanj. The fact is that its pyramid shape is really fascinating, but whether the huge wealth is hidden inside the pyramid has not yet been discovered. The most interesting belief is that this mountain will be the most sheltered from the apocalypse when it happens. 😊 However, what I can confirm is that after my stay there I feel really quite good and healthy. That's why it's worth a visit.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and photos are original and mine.

$ 0.87
$ 0.50 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
11 months ago


I haven't seen you here for a while. I'm glad you're back.

A question. How long do you wait to republish what you post on Hive Blog, here on Read Cash?

They told me to wait a month, but I think that's a long time. Also, I had a problem with a poem. So I do not know.

$ 0.01
11 months ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Honestly, I don't know how much time passes between posts. When something I write and publish on Hive seems interesting to me, I sometimes publish it here, but I always pay attention to the text and adjust it a little...

$ 0.00
11 months ago


I've seen users do it. In fact, I did it with a poem, but I had problems for it. I guess it was because I didn't make changes or didn't read the community rules where I posted.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

It was probably because of community rules...

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Probably. By the way, follow me on liketu, they added a section called "moments" and it's cool.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

I can feel something mysterious too in that place, its very quiet there.

$ 0.01
11 months ago

There are also some mysterious pal es here in our country but I still not visit any of them. But Rtanj mountain is beautiful and it looks like peaceful

$ 0.01
11 months ago

Yes, it is indeed a beautiful mountain, worth a visit.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

I love mysterious places. this place looks so great. take me there one day

$ 0.01
11 months ago