Miracles by the river

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1 year ago

I always wanted to live in a seaside place, but unfortunately I live in a landlocked country - Serbia. That's why I look forward to every summer vacation when I have the chance to travel to coastal countries. My son is like me. He also loves the sea and would be happy if we were near the sea more often.

A few days ago, there was a public holiday in Serbia, so I had a day off. My son asked me if we could go on a trip to the sea since I don't work. I told him that the sea is far away, but that we can go somewhere else. And then I came up with an idea that could partially fulfill my son's wish. I invited him to go with me on a short trip. We traveled to Golubac, a small town on the banks of the Danube River, about 100 km from Belgrade.

Golubac is located in the eastern part of Serbia and has great historical significance. The first and strongest impression when you arrive in this place is the stunning Danube, which here looks like the sea. That's what my son thought when he saw the great expanse of water in front of us. He could not believe that it is the same Danube that flows through our city, Belgrade. 😊

My son was delighted and I was happy that I managed to bring him to the "sea". 😊 We walked around a bit and then headed to the Golubac fortress, but unfortunately we were too late and couldn't go inside. I photographed the fortress from afar and admired its beauty.

It is a medieval fortress, built on the remains of the Roman Empire. Many legends are associated with this imposing fortress, but the fact is that many battles were fought for it, mostly between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary.

There is also an interesting monastery called Tumane in Golubac. Recently, a movie about this monastery was filmed in Serbia, based on true stories and testimonies of people who experienced a "miracle" in this monastery - their loved ones were cured of serious illnesses. I'm not religious, but I must admit that I was fascinated when I saw how many people were waiting in line in front of the monastery to enter the monastery with the hope that a miracle would happen to them. There were a lot of people with small children who patiently waited for their turn for hours.

Although I am not religious, I felt something strange in this place. I felt the peace intertwined with the incredible strength of the faith of the people who are waiting.

When we got hungry, we looked for a restaurant, but all the restaurants in Golubac were full. That's why we went to the nearby Silver Lake. In the summer season, this lake is a very popular destination and is very lively. Now it was empty and quiet. But we saw a beautiful carriages.

After walking around, we found a restaurant in a beautiful setting and had a great dinner. And my son was happy only because of one thing - he saw the "sea"! 😊

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and article are original and mine. The article was previously published on Hive, by me.

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Written by
1 year ago


Your son love seeing a sea my friend. We're the same that's why I missed already looking at the sea. I love the place. It's really peaceful.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good children should enjoy such views. It makes them pleasant all through the day

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes, my son was very happy and had a great time there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This Fortress took my attention my friend. It's beautiful and a peculiar heritage of the world. Sometimes I become astonished thinking that how people made these types of building thousands of years ago while there was not any modern technology.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I am also delighted by that fact. It is incredible how many years ago they built such imposing and beautiful buildings. Thank you!🤗

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes and for me the most astonishing is pyramid of Egypt. It was the greatest one of ancient creation.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish you a great day. I invite you to our country for holidays. this is exactly what you want

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you very much. 🤗 I would like to go to Turkey and I've been planning it for a long time, but usually I'm not free in June and September, but only in July and August, and they say that then the air humidity is high and we can hardly tolerate such a climate. But I hope that I will be able to organize myself to go there on vacation one day because it is a beautiful country.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yes, it is very humid in those months. but if you come to the area where I live, there is no humidity. but there is no sea here. coastal areas are very humid. 😘😘😘

$ 0.00
1 year ago