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Written by
2 years ago

When it comes to and platforms, I am very enthusiastic when I find myself in a situation to tell others about benefits that these platforms provide. I feel like I am giving a presentation about one very important project, like I would do on my job.

For me, these platforms provide great fun, additional money that is always needed, connection with people from all over the world, getting to know different cultures, cuisines, reading interesting stories and experiences, learning about crypto-currencies and writing. Writing is my favorite activity, my greatest relaxation and stress relief. I am very convincing person and when I tell people about all these benefits, they believe me. When they hear me talk about it, they are thrilled, but when I propose to someone to become my affiliate, I discover people's different attitudes and opinions.

Skeptical people

Many people need some additional job, but they are not well informed or they are sceptical. They usually have a lack of self-confidence. They doubt everything. They doubt themselves the most. They are afraid that their articles maybe will not be interesting or that they will not be able to earn money.

People who don't have enough time

Many people don't have enough time for any additional job, but there are also people who think that don't have enough time and actually they have, but they have no will to use that time to do something besides their job. They rather complain that it is difficult to find time and earn money.

Passive people

Many people are passive. They find it difficult to move. They would like to have different activities. They are delighted with idea to earn money this way but they are lazy or just passive. They stand at the same point and when it comes to them, everything ends with just a good idea.

Lack of inspiration

Lack of inspiration is the most dissapointing fact. Many people are not able to find inspiration. When I hear that, I become sad. Inspiration is everywhere. It must be everywhere around us and inside us.

Thank you very much for reading.

Article and photo are original and mine.

Best regards to all talented, hard working people who write and read every day. There are no many people who are able to do that. We are special. Enjoy that fact. 😊

$ 7.00
$ 6.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Alther
$ 0.05 from @Musician
+ 4
Sponsors of Jelena
Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago


I only introduce this to my sister ,I did'nt introduce this to others coz I am not so good at this platform and I really need a lot to learn.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I think that you are good. Believe in yourself and you will be better and better with every article... There are always things that we have to learn...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

always remember that "every effort and work when done in earnest then we will get results.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have more than 3 friends i encourage to join noise cash haha they're not active thou, same as my affiliates here on read. I think they thought if they could sign up they will gain that easily without doing anything

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, they probably think they will earn money without making an effort to do something every day. It is also about responsiblity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aweee same delimma to those I've invited. She's not really active because with her reason shes tired from her physical work.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

They react fast when it comes to making account because everybody likes fact to earn money, but then they don't make any effort.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have two colleagues on the noise that I connected. It was interesting to them as I explained to them, they didn’t activate

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It happened many times that people find it interesting but they don't make next step.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right Jelena, it's difficult to gather oneself to find other sources to make extra money. I was introduced to this site by a good friend and he showed me example of those who make money every time they publish their articles, i envied them. To be near perfect, one has to be consistent and focus. Thanks for your insight. Slow and steady wins the race.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, we must be consistent and focused all the time, but also inspired to write and that is a talent, in my opinion. I like sentence at the end of your comment. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have signed up many of my friends on this platform, but only one of my friends continues, as you said, the others are passive people and expect an immediate response without doing anything.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There are many passive people who find it difficult to start action and do something. That's true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is a saying, "Starting is half the battle". It's all about believing you can succeed and getting started. We have an interesting word on this subject. (Google couldn't translate this word. I'm writing that way originally here: "Kervan yolda düzülür") This saying means don't wait for perfect conditions to start. You start work, you fix the deficiencies on time :)) And convincing people of something is not easy. Their reactions can be frustrating.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You're right, we shouldn't wait for perfect conditions to start because they will never be perfect. It is the most difficult to start. Motivation is key.

$ 0.00
2 years ago