A visit to Trieste, Italy

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2 years ago

When I was in Slovenia, I could not miss the chance to visit Trieste in Italy, which is only 20 kilometers away from the Slovenian town of Koper.

This wasn't my first visit to Trieste. When I was a child, shopping tours from my country to this city were often organized and I visited this city several times with my parents, but I only remember shopping malls. Now I have visited Trieste with different interests. Although I love shopping so much this time there wasn’t enough time for it. This visit was accidental and short because we stayed in Ljubljana.

Before this visit, I visited this city for the last time on an excursion in high school, but that visit was also based on shopping in large shopping malls.

The first impression when we arrived in Trieste was "are we in Italy?" Honestly, I didn't feel the Italian spirit like in other Italian cities I've traveled to before. I felt some special, unique spirit. Trieste was part of Austria in the past and the cultural and historical heritage is imbued with the Austrian spirit and architecture.

I also felt at home. Italians are very kind and hospitable people. I was amazed by the architecture, cleanliness, and tidiness of the city. The city is rich in religious buildings and cultural and historical monuments.

We visited the Piazza Unità d'Italia or the Unity of Italy Square, the main square in Trieste, and perhaps the largest square I have ever seen. I am sorry that we were not in the square in the evening because then the blue lamps placed on the surface are lit: they symbolize the sea. Around the square are the 7 most luxurious palaces in the city.

Here is a monument to Carlo VI d'Asburgo who played a significant role in the development of the city and its architectural appearance and also a monument that I liked very much - The fountain of the Four Continents. It represents four continents represented by different animals. The horse represents Europe, the crocodile of both Americas, the lion Africa and the camel Asia (Australia was not yet discovered at that time). The symbol of the city of Trieste is a female figure at the top who flies over the symbols of the continents and hospitably welcomes guests from all over the world.

The place that left a strong impression on me is the Teatro Romano, where gladiatorial fights used to take place. Today, music events are held here.

I also liked Scala di Giganti. It is a large and steep stairway that connects the heart of Trieste with its streets.

When you climb here the view of the city is amazing.

Trieste is much more than shopping and I am happy to have found out even though it took me many years.

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and the article are original and mine. The article was previously published on Hive by me.



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Written by
2 years ago


Thank you friend, I liked this beautiful tour that you made for us through these places. The one that has made me imagine the most is the square where so many human beings died and now it is a place for music. It's like a gift for those senseless deaths.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

wow, there are so many beautiful places to see and visit. my love, take me with you next time

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I loved Trieste! Although the weather wasn't as good as when you were there... it's a very Austro-hungarian city in Italy, the architecture and atmosphere remind to another classic and elegant European city but where you can eat pizza!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

What a lovely view, someday I will visit Italy and Roma to be precise

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for showing us around, dear Jelie. I can't wait to visit Italy in the near future!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow Jelena! 😲 Italy is one of my bucket list. The view is super. I love the place. ❤️ I hope someday I can go there also Jelena. 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago