Things Adults Need to Learn from Children

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1 year ago

Birth, growth, maturity, old age, and death are phases of life that we cannot avoid. Every child will grow up; that's a sure thing.

It's also funny when we remember that as children we couldn't wait to grow up like our parents. We think they are great because they can do many things. So adults are cool, we thought innocently at the time. But, once we reach adulthood, we really miss our childhood.

Many things we gain, but also many things we lose as adults. These are the things that we both envy and feel the need to learn from children:

  • Have a dream without limits

Children see the world as infinite, where they can be whatever they want to be. Do you remember what your childhood dream was: pilot, doctor, astronaut, president? Meanwhile, those of us who are already dealing with reality are afraid to dream. In fact, without dreams, we would not be anyone.

Children remind us to dare to dream big without fear of failure, that we are capable of being whatever we want to be.

  • Don't worry about tomorrow

Children live and enjoy what they do today. They will not be too concerned about what they will face tomorrow.

Adults are often too busy with what tomorrow will look like, to the extent that lies in front of them now. So, why worry about tomorrow? After all, you live in the moment. Stop worrying about tomorrow and focus on what you are facing today.

  • Always curious

Children have great curiosity. They love to learn new things and always want to understand something further. "Why" is a mandatory question word when they get a new experience.

Meanwhile, we are often lazy to dig a deeper understanding of something, even the things we know are important. We prefer to act as if we understand, even though we don't understand. The children again set an example for us to ask further and understand more deeply.

  • Make friends without discrimination

Children make genuine friends regardless of race, ethnicity, ethnicity, religion or social status. For us, all of that is a luxury that may have been lost from us. Without realizing it, we have stuffed our minds with ideologies that make us prejudice against other groups, so it becomes difficult for us to make friends sincerely.

  • Children forgive easily

Just like adults, children can feel sad, angry, or disappointed in other people. But, the emotion didn't last long, the next day they were fine again. Through them, we can learn to sincerely forgive and forget the grudge against those who have wronged them.

  • Be more honest with their feelings

You would agree that children are more honest with their feelings. They cry when they are sad, laugh when they are happy. They don't feel the need to hide their feelings from other people. They speak their heart as it is.

  • know no fear

The most important thing we can learn from children is that they know no fear. What is meant here, of course, does not mean that we are not afraid of falling off a cliff or getting hit by hot water, but that fear is actually just a form of our anxiety: such as the fear of being shunned, ostracized, hated, afraid of the future, and so on.

We can learn from them that fear is just an illusion that keeps us from trying to progress and develop, and to be ourselves.

Children see the world from a different perspective. It is this perspective that adults have forgotten, but it can teach us many valuable life lessons.

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1 year ago
