Social anxiety

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Are you people person? Or just a type of person who sits on the corner doing some business alone?

Do you also feel anxious when you go out to buy something in the supermarket or anywhere in the city and you noticed someone approaching you for an eternal unending one sided conversation? I always feel anxious.

Before these things happen, I have already prepared hundreds of excuses for me to get out on that situation. Whenever I go out, I see to it that I am wearing a cap to hide myself somehow from the people who might notice me. Not to mention, eye contact is really not easy for me.

As for me, I'm terrible in socializing. I could always tell that the person I'm talking with, will be bored if not, will run out of stories to tell (unless, this person has got thousands of stories prepared too) and it tires me a lot.

I'm not good in befriending people. In new situations like fallin in line for submission of documents for a certain job offer, people usually approaches me first. Asking question or assistance to a person, is the hardest thing on earth.

If there will be an award for quietest person in the universe (yeah, it's exaggerated), for sure I'll win.

That is why, readcash is a great platform for me. Through writing, I could express my thoughts well. Apparently, some people prefers to talk because it is more emotional through hearing, and looking at one's expression.

How about you? Are you a speaker or a writer?

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well I used to be more of a writer, I always bottled up what I had to say except called upon. I just didn't like getting into others business or being embarrassed

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4 years ago

Correct. That's one reason why I don't talk too much because, I don't wanna hurt someone else's feelings based on my observations to them.

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4 years ago

yeah very true but as of now, I am a bit different I prefer to speak and be listened to than to write

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4 years ago

I see. Well, we all have our own unique ways of expressing our thoughts and that's valid :)

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4 years ago

Lol, I think everyone does get socially awkward when around people, especially strangers and it could cause anxiety. Nice of you to notice this.

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4 years ago

Thank you. This is based on my own experience though, I don't know about other people. We have different coping mechanism at the end of the day :)

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4 years ago

I think I am quite neutral if there is such a thing. I try my best to be as approachable and friendly as possible. But i also try to distant myself when I'm too close because I don't want to be attached to anything or anyone.

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4 years ago

Me too, but when I'm with my closest friends (very few), I could stand to join the company but I'll distance myself to recharge my energy. I got a very low amount of energy when it comes to socializing.

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4 years ago

Lucky me as I was able to find friends who we can hang together without talking to each other. Weird right? But the presence really helps. Haha 😅

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4 years ago

That true. Haha. I don't really hang out with my friends that much, I always make up excuses just to avoid the party. That's why when I got the chance to be with them, they talk and talk to make up everything for me.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice topic, nice article, just keep post and like and comment to for more points.. Thank you

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4 years ago

Thank you for appreciating my work. It means a lot to me when someone noticed my skill in writing. Will keep posting.

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4 years ago

I am more to a speaker at work but I do prefer to stay quietly in my world except when I am with my family.

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4 years ago

Me too, when I was working before I am forced to talk because I am a Tech support for a year, then I became a teacher. The only time I could recharge my energy is when I go to the faculty room and put my earphones on.

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4 years ago

Maybe if you can find someone that you are comfortable talking too it would be easier? I do that. Finding someone I am comfortable with. If I can't blend in, I make some distance. To keep my feelings as safe as I can. 😅😅😅

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4 years ago

Luckily, I have a friend who has the same personality as I am. We can relate to each other at all times. Not to mention, we've been friends since kindergarten until now. Although we don't talk that often but the friendship hasn't faded even. :)

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4 years ago