Personal Thoughts on "The Shack" movie

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Warning! May contain spoilers! if you haven't watched the movie, I discourage you to continue reading and encourage you to watch the movie instead. And let me know if we have the same opinion about the movie.

This one is very inspiring. Teaches you about life and judgement. It may sound boring because it's a drama and/or an inspirational movie. It makes me realize that I don't have the right to question His judgement. And to be strong and still have faith even on toughest times. I couldn't believe what happened to his daughter. I was nervous and brokenhearted when he found out what happened to his daughter. Very tragic. I have daughter that's why I felt his eager to find his daughter. And I felt his anger, I felt everything. This movie is full of spiritual elements in it. Those who are going through rough times might wanna consider watching this movie. This helps bring back faith. So many lines in the movie that you can use on your daily lives and will become one of your favorite lines. May help you become a better person. May help you understand more why life is unfair or is it really unfair.. I would watch this movie tons of times but I will not get bored even a minute.

This is just my opinion. We all have different views. This is just m thought about the movie.

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I suggest WAR ROOM. Its also a good christian movie. Very inspiring. I watched it on netflix. I'm not sur if its still available.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow. I"m gonna watch it later with my family. Thanks for suggesting!

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4 years ago

I go search for that movie too. I hope my connection allows me. Thanks for the tip. 👍

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4 years ago

the title is "the shack". a 2017 movie directed by stuart hazeldine.. it's a good movie for the soul i think. hope you have the chance to watch it.

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4 years ago

This movie doesn't ring a bell with me. It's easier to know what movie you talk about if you start with the name after you wrote the warning part. It would be helpful too if you tell who "he" is.

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4 years ago

He.. uhm God. i thought when i use He with the capital H, readers would know. haha but thanks for bringing that up.

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4 years ago

This is just my opinion. We all have different views. This is just m thought about the movie.

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4 years ago