Game of Thrones is a fantasy drama TV series in HBO. The series first aired in April 2010 and last aired in May 2019. It consists of 8 seasons. Seasons 1-6 has 10 episodes each, season 7 has 7 episodes and season 8 has 6 episodes.
The series revolves around the seven Kingdom of Westeros and Essos about how each great house (family and their community) fights to win to sit on the Iron throne to be the ruler of all the kingdoms. The series introduces 9 great houses in Westeros, the Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell, Martell, and Targaryen. In Targaryen's house, Daenerys is the only one left and she married Khal Drogo of the Dothraki tribe in Essos. Daenerys gave birth to three dragons after her husband died. It also revolves around the "wall" which separates them from a mythical creature and other tribes in the north that they believe would be harmful to them. The story is also about how they would fight and survive the mythical creature they call walkers (iced zombies).
It is a fun-filled, action. drama, Medieval themed Tv series. It also promotes girl power in the movie, wisdom, and the importance of authority and friendship and family. Effects are, as usual, incredible... If you're a woman, you'll love Jon Snow and if you're a guy, you'll love Danerys, as to what others say. It's sad that this tv series ended but if you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you watch this tv series. The good thing about watching it now is that you won't have to wait a week for the next episode and months for the next season and a year for the final season. This tv series also is one of those "everyone you love will die" kind of concept so don't get too confident that your favorite character won't die just because he/she's one of the leading roles. There are many twists in this story and that's what I love about it.
Here's a peak to the TV series.