You Can Live More Than a Hundred

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2 years ago
Topics: Article

December 21,2021

More and more people are over 100 years of age. Trends predict that the number of centenarians would rise to an astonishing number.

What to join this trends?

Doctors studied the subject and sample strategies for living longer and better;

  1. Eat healthfully➡️a larger number of people weigh more than they should than ever before, while increasing being overweights with a variety of health problems. This are the plan meals and guidelines; ( 6 to 11 servings per day of bread, pasta, cereals, rice , 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruit ).

  2. Get Physical➡️in spite of the emphasis on activities such as jogging, bicycling, aerobic, dancing and so forth, most people dont get enough exercise. Combat those sedentary ways by taking activity to the next level whenever possible.

  3. Know Your Family Medical History➡️ Research the health patterns of your relatives and share with physician the pressence of any major illnesses or chronic conditions.

  4. Think Positive ➡️ Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.

  5. Lend A Helping Hand➡️ it indicates that helping others brings the helper direct health benefits. Those who volunteer regularly suffers 10 times less stress, and have a fewer health problems than those whoe volunteer only occasionally.

  6. Keep Learning New Skills➡️ Life constantly places new demands on people. To meet these challenges effectively, you must continually be learning new skills.

  7. Tap into Your Faith➡️ people who are religious families have a lower risk of suicide, mental illness, drug abuse, alcoholism and depression.

By following these simple strategies, anyone can have the quality of life recommended.

Thank you for reading my Dear Friends.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Article
