The Image of The Marriage
Good day everyone..
Today, we tackled about Marriage. Everyone of us take this part and as part of ourlives. Today, I will discuss the (4) four Principles in Marriage.
In this divine declaration, I see Divine principles designed to ensure that marriage stays for eternity:
Theres the principle of "severance".
The word LEAVE in the passage means that a married couple should separate from the direct control of their parents.
By this, the bible is saying that marriage should be treated as an individual institution. Under the guidance of the holy spirit, a family unit should be given the previlige to establish its own Governance and plane.
Parental advice and pastoral services are served on a suggestive plate, allowing the couple to make and own their decisions. By this, we ensure and facilitate the growth and maturity of a family.
The phrase " cleave unto his wife" is the second principle.
It reflects the eternal attribute of God, when Jesus stands as the groom and is eternally married to His church. The bible teaches that both groom and bride should make a sincere commitment to stay together in love, for life.
Yet, its sad to see that today, this marriage principle is being taken lightly, if not totally ignored. Many marriage vows are recited only to complete the parts of a wedding service, while contracting parties are not really committed to respect the sanctity of their marriage.
To many, divorce has become a vice marriage has become a "social game" where either party is free to quit for personal, selfish and reasons.
"Becoming one flesh" is the third principle.
Marriage is giving and accepting of the total person on the part of both parties. Thus, the institution of marriage reflects the image of the trinity, while there are three persons of the Godhead yet they are one.
From beginning God created man as male and female. By design, they were created with marked differences, physically and emotionally. But these differences, properly understood and appreciated, are ingredients to facilitate the blending of two lives, that by the power of the gospel they will become one flesh, reflecting the unity and oneness of God.
That " they were both naked and were not ashamed" talks about the fourth principle.
Marriage is the most intimate human relationship. By this marriages as an institution reflects the "all knowing" attribute of God.
The word NAKED does not mean that the first pair were without a covering. In their sinless state, adam and eve were clothed with the glory of God. Rather, the state of "nakedness" talks about the openness and transparency that should characterize it.
In marriage partners are free to express, in a christlike manner, their feelings, ideas even thier likes and dislikes and are not threatened. In marriage, rights of members are respected, decision-making in particular, and open communication is consistently observed.
Marriage is an institution designed to become a little heaven on earth, a place where angels would love to linger and where the image of God is reflected. It is my prayer that by Gods grace, each of us will be blessed with such kind of a marriage relationship.