AYNTK 1: Coffee

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4 years ago

Greetings to my read.cash folks! This is @Jammy yet again serving another fresh article for all of you. Please take time to read. Happy reading!


No morning is complete without coffee. Drinking coffee has now become more than just a way to wake up one's nerves, it has become a trend. Its more than just a morning beverage, it has become a part of the Filipino culture. The Philippines used to be the fourth largest producer of coffee in the 1800s. 

It is one of the most common drinks in our society. Majority of people like to get a taste of it and have an enjoyable time.

Coffee is produced from the seeds of a small red (sometimes yellow) fruit that grows on plants halfway in size between shrub and tree. The process that turns these seeds into beverage is a long and complex process, perhaps the most complex process associated with any major beverage.

Coffee is more than a beverage, however. It is a memory, an anticipation, a lifetime of consoling moments of modest pleasure woven into our lives.

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee?

  1. Boosts your physical performance.

  2. Coffee may help you lose weight.

  3. Coffee helps you burn fat.

  4. It helps you focus and stay alert.

  5. Coffee lowers risk of death.

  6. Reduces risk of cancers.

  7. Coffee reduces risk of stroke.

  8. It protects your brain.

  9. Improve energy level and can make you smarter.

  10. Contains essential nutrients.

  11. Can fight depression.

  12. It can make you happier.

Any coffee lover out there? Y'all should read this. To everyone, if you enjoy its taste and tolerate its caffeine content, don’t hesitate to pour yourself a cup or more throughout the day.

Thank you for making it out until the end. Please don't forget to like and subscribe to my profile for more content. Adios

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4 years ago
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Am honoured and you are the best

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Thank you very much!

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Always welcome

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coffee.. i love it. plese visit my id. and support

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Thank you so much

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Very interesting

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Thank you for reading my friend ☺️

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