I met a rapist part 1.

I was so bored. I turned on my laptop, and surf from the internet. Nothing really catched my attention aside from these omegle pranks. These guys turned themselves to a beautiful young women and trying to catfish these foreigners all over the world. I almost cried laughing, while being jealous how the hell they looked very convincing to be a beautiful young gal 😜.

So I tried to use omegle. After so many years I finally lay my hands on the website and typed: Filipino as the common interest. Some are asking for nudes, some are asking for money to provide needs for their finally. I tried to disconnect few times but bingo! someone got my attention: a guy asking if I'm a 17 year old gal and if I was okay. So maybe I can just give it a try. This guy piqued my interest.

So I told him, I'm not the one he's looking for. I explained further the reason why I was there was because I was bored, nothing spectacular happened in my life. Also, I'm clinically diagnosed with severe depression due to a rape incident happened last 2017. He was so willing to listen, and I can feel the sincerity through his words. I don't know why but I was nervous . I remained anonymous even though he provided his real account, and his phone number just in case I tried to commit suicide again.

Out of curiousity, I checked his FB account. Damn! He looks good. He looks matured and may pass as a 25 year old guy taking his masteral degree where in fact, he's just a 2nd year old student taking an educational course major in General Science. That made me even more hooked. I told myself "urgh. This is now or never". I clicked his profile, typed few words, and press send.

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@Jamela12 posted 3 years ago
