How Could Social Media Marketing Be More Effective?

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3 years ago

With the advent of social media, advertisements of different companies have been made easy. This is all about introducing their products through a bigger platform. I believe that social media marketing could be made successful by keeping the content of their advertisements short, catchy, and powerful.

First, companies should be reminded that nowadays, people are busier. They could hardly scroll in their phones, or if they could, they just swipe up without giving attention to the ads. This is the very reason why ads should be made short because the audience are becoming more and more irritated as they watch or read contents especially if these are really long. The length of the video or in the case of pictures, the elements on the picture should be short yet meaty.

Second, it should be catchy. Social media marketing should be all about stirring the interest of the audience. Netizens always look for something new or even if something is old as long as it is presented from a fresher lense, it will make a difference. New ideas should be incorporated in creating strategies.

And third, it should be powerful. Contents which doesn't leave an impact is powerless, thus forgotten in just a snap. That's why the message should be conveyed in a way that it's appealing and and it will leave a mark on the mind and heart of the audience.

Indeed, social media marketing is a breakthrough in its field. However, if we don't know how to use it accordingly, if we don't know how to play the game, following it's rules, we will never win.

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I agree, we are the species where we constantly finding something new and exciting. Good advertisers use this, but some advertisers are worst though

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3 years ago

Since there is already a shift to online platforms, marketing strategies should cope with it. That's necessary.

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3 years ago