Website (Budget: $1000 | February 6 spent: $500 | remaining: $500 | Thinking about giving $100 extra bonus | remaining: $50)
Progress: The website is almost ready. You can check it out here at https://bangkokbitcoin.cash
Next Steps:
add contents, videos, events and online activities
Translate into Thai (IN PROCESS)
"News Page" with 2 different languages
Designs ( Budget: $600 | February 10 spent: $270 | remanding: $401.47)
Progress: A few designs left
Next Steps:
order swags
Social media/online marketing and manpower (Budget: $7800)
There will be at least 7 videos and 20 educational content posts per month
Next Steps:
follow online contents plans
I want this part to be very effective
some online activities to get more exposure
Videos and manpower (Budget: $7160)
Progress: In process.
Next Steps:
I need to come up with a small lesson for each video so that Thai people and new people learn something in each one. for example, wallet backup, moving wallet to new phone, sweeping paper wallet and ETC.
please always feel free to share your great ideas :)
Integrate onboarding with videos. Every video will feature a merchant and a map to the merchant so anyone can go there. It’s good for the merchant so it encourages them to sign up because the video is free advertising for them.
BCH give-away
get individuals in BCH interviewed
Materials/ BCH Swags (Budget $4970)
designs are ready
Next Steps:
order swags
get some footages
Create a flyer for an instruction, how to start using BCH and print merchant BCH QR code to put at their shops
BCH give-away (Budget: $3000) there are 2 parts of this budget (BCH give-away and BCH users reward program) (February 11 spent: $95) (February 18 spent: $55) : (remaining: $2850)
Next Steps:
Next meetup we will offer free pizza and snack for members instead of BCH give-away
BCH users rewards program daily, they can submit on our site, anyone can send them some tips
have BCH contests, winner wins some BCH
people keep posting what they do with BCH and keep posting everyday
rewards for merchants when customers pay with BCH
This week spent: $178.75
New total: $23421.25
New total in BCH: 55.13 BCH