How to Start A Proper Communication

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Written by
3 years ago

Just say "Hi", followed by "How are you"

To start a conversation light and new,

And say, "Can I sit beside you?"

And always take an inches away too,

Ask them about their day as well,

Whether they had a bad day, or just fair,

Ask them how they feel,

'cause it may help them to let out an emotion they conceal.

Make them feel that you will always be there,

It's okay to show them as well that you care,

Make them feel love,

Make them feel wanted,

'cause that's how people will be happy and contented.

Good morning!

Thanks for reading!

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Written by
3 years ago


Make communication a priority. Take classes, read books, magazine articles or learn from successful communicators around you. Seek a mentor or coach.

Engage your listeners or readers. Draw your listeners and readers into the conversation. Ask questions and invite opinions. Solicit their feedback.

Take time to respond. After you’ve listened (and understood) take time to “draft” in your head what you want to say.

Make sure you are understood. Don’t blame the other person for not understanding. Instead, look for ways to clarify or rephrase what you are trying to say so it can be understood.

Develop your listening skills, too. The best communicators are almost always the best listeners. Listen without judgment and don’t be distracted by thinking about what you want to say next. Then, respond, not react.

Body language is important. Studies show that 65% of all communication is non-verbal. Watch for visual signs that your listener understands, agrees or disagrees with your message. And be aware that your body is sending signals, too.

Maintain eye contact. Whether speaking to a crowd or one-on-one, maintaining eye contact builds credibility and demonstrates you care about your listeners.

Respect your audience. Recognize your message is not just about you or what you want. You should sincerely care about the needs and the unique perspectives of those to whom you are communicating. One of the best ways to show your respect is simply by paying attention to what they say.

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3 years ago

If you take an inch away you will end up in jail. Social distance it is. No sitting next to strangers. I doubt if I find the "hi" attractive enough to start a conversation with a stranger. 🤔

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3 years ago

How do start a conversation with a stranger, then?

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3 years ago

I rarely start a conversation with a stranger and if so it usually is for a reason. I need or buy something.

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3 years ago