YouTube Bible

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1 year ago

Everything you need to know to become a YouTuber from scratch. You won't need anything else to get started today.

Every aspect of this profession has been compiled into a single reading. It's the most comprehensive introductory course you can get.

WARNING: The reading can be very long. I recommend that you add this page to your Favorites menu for future reference.


Quick tips

Do you want thousands of subscribers and millions of views? And who said that was easy? What you want can take up to 4 years of hard work. But, you can try these quick tips (which will be explained in more detail):

  • Avoid profanity or inappropriate comments.

  • Post helpful videos.

  • Post videos continuously.

  • Create eye-catching titles.

  • Redesign your channel so that it doesn't look like the others.

  • Behave like a human being.

  • Shoot outside your studio from time to time.

  • Create an interesting and different thumbnail for each video.

  • Create playlists.

  • Create annotations within the video with external links or actions.

  • Ask them to subscribe during or at the end of the video.

  • Create an introduction video for your channel.

  • Promote your channel on social networks or by email.

  • Translate the most visited videos into other languages.

  • Mention, in each video, that you have more videos on your channel.

  • Put sincere and explanatory descriptions to your videos.

  • Place between 5 - 15 keywords, so that they find your video in the searches.

  • Collaborate with other youtubers.

  • Think about giving things that cost you nothing, even if it is, to those in your area.

  • Show previews of your next videos.

  • Survey your subscribers about your content.

  • Visit the channels with the most subscribers and learn from them.

  • Participate in conversations on other channels.

  • Teach what you know.

Now it's your turn to put them into practice. Good luck!


Be a YouTuber

What does it take to be a YouTuber? Trying to give the shortest answer possible, this is my opinion:

Desire to help people: It is impossible to be a YouTuber without wanting to help someone, because that is what being a YouTuber is all about. You become a content creator to make life easier for others.

Doing it for fun: Few YouTubers manage to make money (in one way or another) with their audiovisuals, especially at the beginning of this tough job.

Having a lot of free time: being a YouTuber consumes much more time than you think. Many times we see how YouTubers have to pause content development due to lack of time. These pauses (due to lack of time) throw hundreds of hours of dedication and effort to the ground, because the “viewer” does not wait for you. If you don't give weekly content, he leaves.

Investing a lot of money in equipment: People start by investing their money (wrongly) in the best cell phone or the best camera possible. You must invest in lighting and sound. The camera is the least important, oddly enough.

You must have certain skills: a YouTuber is a television studio where only one person works. Therefore, you need to have the skills to: research, write interesting content, compose a photographic image, light, record sound, dress yourself, do your hair, put on makeup, pose, communicate, design, edit audio and video, surf the Internet, optimize your message for search engines, promote on social networks, answer the questions of your followers, withstand strong criticism from your detractors, etc.

Do you dare to be a YouTuber? I've always thought that if you think something is easy to do, you should try it yourself before you comment. Let's give more support and respect to these content creators, who leave part of their lives to solve yours.


Request a personalized address

There are two types of addresses on YouTube: with identifier (illegible) and personalized (with the name you choose). To qualify for a custom URL, your channel must:

  • Have 100 subscribers or more.

  • Have a minimum age of 30 days.

  • Have a photo you've uploaded as a channel icon.

  • Have a header image for the channel.

Personalized addresses allow the user to memorize them and this ensures a future visit. Feel free to request one when your channel meets the requirements.

To give you an idea, an address on YouTube starts like this:

If your channel does not yet have a custom address, then add the word channel and the identifier (which is a series of numbers, letters, and symbols) to it, like this:


If you already meet the requirements and requested your own address, then only the letter C and the name of your channel (without spaces) are added.


Now, you know that your channel address never has a question mark (?). If you see one, it surely tells you that your address reaches there.


Try to post several times a week

Studies indicate that those channels that post videos more than once a week perform better and get more recommendations from their visitors. The ideal would be a frequency of 3 to 4 videos per week. This is essential if you are starting your channel and have few visits. Create libraries of content that connect viewers to other videos on your own channel, giving you more watch time and more reasons to subscribe.


Create a group of videos in advance

What if you get sick, go on vacation, or expensive equipment that is vital to your video production breaks? I'll tell you: you won't be able to post a new video and your fans can stop watching your channel. You must have, at least, 9 videos ready to be published before posting the first video.


Develop a sustainable video production flow

You can make fantastic videos, but if you take 6 months to make them, your channel will not grow in audience. You should make the videos more frequent and publish them -always- on the same day of the week and at the same time (if possible). This will bring a higher level of users to the channel because they will know that every Saturday you post something new at 10:00 am. If possible, you should create your own makeshift studio. And before you start in this world, you must create the templates that you will use in your videos. Don't forget to get people to help you with editing and production. Making television is not something of a single person. Although, if you don't make it, don't be discouraged... go with what you have.


Start your video with a good advertising hook

If your videos are about how to do something, show it at the beginning to make them stick around to see how it's done. Do not do things step by step, you better create a story. People love to be told stories (and if they are successful, the better). You can also start your video by creating an intrigue. How to make a pencil stand on your desk? (This creates intrigue). Although the answer is as simple as: you insert it into a piece of plasticine and that's it. ATTENTION: This narrative technique works best when people already trust your channel. Do not try it when you start in this world because they may think that you are doing false advertising and there you lose all your users at once.


Camera height

The camera (okay, the lens) should be at eye level with the person you're filming. If you place the camera too high, it will make that person look inferior and unimportant. On the other hand, if you shoot from below, you make him look very important, almost heroic. These angles are used by some girls to highlight parts of their body, because what is closer to the camera looks bigger and vice versa.


Shorten the time of your presentation

The attention rate has dropped from 10 to 8 seconds. This implies that if you don't attract attention in that time... there is a chance that your channel will be closed and they will go to another video with a more interesting title. So... present what the video is about in just 8 seconds and jump to the channel presentation, which should not exceed the next 5 seconds. That is, from when the video starts playing until you start developing the theme, you only have 13 seconds. This is very little time, but it works better this way!


Use authorized music and sounds

Some users do not fully understand that they should not use something that belongs to someone's else. As far as you need audio for your videos, here is a totally free library. Go and download what you need. Prevent your video from being rejected for using copyrighted audio.


Use authorized graphics and images

Here are some Internet pages where you can download royalty-free images. The vast majority are free, high resolution and you can use them in your videos, without worrying about © copyright.

In all cases, always review the terms that apply to each image before using it.


Organize your channel with sections

YouTube allows you to create sections to organize the content of your profile. Learn to create, edit and organize sections and your page will have a greater number of impacts.


Use the final screen as a promotion

The end screen of your social media videos is no longer than 20 seconds. Create a good background image so it doesn't compete with the content you're promoting (read: other videos, websites, email, etc.). I recommend images with a certain blur (Blur or Bokeh Effect), or flat colors. For these final minutes of the video, I recommend you keep talking about it or just say goodbye. But, don't play a song and leave the user without your company, he may get bored or not understand what you are proposing.


Extend your playback time

No, it's not making the videos longer. It is that you must achieve, by all means, that the user continues to see more videos (whether they are yours or not). Recommend watching other videos and your platform will reward you with better positioning, after all, you are helping more people connect for longer. Discuss where they will end up if they play those videos you propose and why they should play them. You can also allow the social network to choose the best video for that user for you. Remember that they have more information about their interests than you. In this case, obviously, you will not be able to give specific details. You can be more general when signing off.


Do not include distraction in your videos

Go straight to the point. Many times we start to make the video longer by making long pauses, or start talking about various topics, that you don't even know why or how they appeared in the video. Well, this is what editing is for. Avoid those scenes that are longer than a minute, with your face in it and nothing else to look at. You don't have to be beautiful, you just have to edit and place multiple shots from different angles.


Keep time between shots

Unless you're explaining an aspect of quantum theory in binary code, you'd better make sure your shots are no longer than a paragraph (30 seconds) before moving on. This gives more dynamism to the video. Film short sentences (with the same rhythm when speaking) from different angles or frames (closer or further, more to the right, to the left, above or below). This will help your users question what happened... because it's you, you're still talking about the same topic, but you're not in the same place anymore. What happened? They will wonder in their subconscious. While they "wake up" to analyze what happened... your videos will get more and better attention from the followers. Isn't that what you wanted?


Match the thumbnail to the video

It's not a great idea letting YouTube, or your favorite social network, decide which thumbnail image of your video is the one that best associates the topic in question. This image is essential to capture new users. Imagine that in your video you talk about how to prepare a delicious traditional cuisine dish and the thumbnail photo of your video shows the moment in which you throw the waste in the garbage can. Who will want to see your video? Exact! You answered yourself.

Another great problem is to create the thumbnail based on the same template. All your videos will look alike and they will make your channel look funny. In this particular case, diversity is the key.


Be repetitive with your image

In real life, people change their clothes as often as their finances allow. This means that, to identify a person, we only have their face. Can you imagine what it would be like to find someone who always changes his face? Well, the same goes for your videos. If you change the position, size or color of your texts, backgrounds, etc., people will not know how to recognize your videos. Try to prepare everything that appears in your videos so that it does not change from one video to another. People feel comfortable in places they already know.


Every thing has a meaning

Have you ever wondered what each of the objects seen in your videos mean? If you have never thought about it, it is time for you to pause one of your videos, where your room or study appears, and start questioning what each and every one of the objects seen in that image mean. On television, everything is built. Nothing is there because someone put it, period. So it's time to question what will be in your videos and what do you mean by that. If you have no answer for an object, it means that it is not needed and therefore you should remove it from the scene, at least, at the time of shooting and put it back where it was.


Meaning of shapes

The shapes of the objects on stage also imply a meaning:

  • Circle: Adaptability, movement, flexibility, creativity and globalization.

  • Horizontal lines: Union, link, calm, communication, interrelation and dynamism.

  • Square: Solidity, strength, security, masculinity and honesty.

  • Curved lines: Friendship, benevolence, sensuality and movement.

  • Hexagon: Unity, intelligence, union, work and strength.

  • Vertical lines: Equilibrium, balance and hierarchy.

  • Star: Success, dreams, healing and spirituality.

  • Spiral: Continuity, imagination, creativity and vitality.

  • Rectangle: Resistance, tradition and stability.

  • Diagonal lines: Dynamism and abrupt changes.

  • Triangle: Power, advancement, vitality, inspiration and growth.

  • Cross: Unity, team and collaboration.

Now, you can qualify your logo, emblem, isologo or even your own studio.


Meaning of the colors

Color theory also brings meaning to what we see:

  • Black: Balance, neutrality, simplicity, elegance, responsibility, authority, power and mystery. Technically it is not a color, it is the absence of them.

  • Blue: Confidence, technicality, strength, freshness, spirituality, depth, education, protection, loneliness, coldness, cleanliness, authority, freedom, masculinity, dependency, peace, loyalty and tranquility, even sadness and depression.

  • Green: Greed, affluence, nature, patience, adventure, health, luck, balance, security, cooperation, renewal, and relaxation.

  • Yellow: Caution, nutrition, happiness, creativity, childhood, youth, joy, curiosity, lightheartedness, optimism, cowardice, disease, expansion and radiance.

  • Orange: Fire, energy, comfort, abundance, warning, sweetness, festivity, excitement, communication, whimsy, fun, adventure, optimism, self-confidence, sociability, health, warmth, and enthusiasm.

  • Red: Power, energy, dynamism, vitality, violence, danger, rebellion, passion, bravery and courage.

  • Pink: Tranquilizer, eroticism, sensuality, sexuality, femininity, love, floristic.

  • Purple (violet or magenta): Magic, supernaturality, reflection, lucidity, experience, fantasy, femininity, solemnity, mysticism, melancholy, emotion, creativity, luxury, vanity and royalty.

  • Brown: Masculinity, comfort, fertility, tranquility, depth and simplicity.

  • Gold: Beauty, opulence, religion, materialism, vanity, arrogance, kindness, masculinity, and positivism.

  • Silver: Wealth, femininity, intellectuality and melancholy.

  • White: Innocence, purity, transparency and neatness. It is not exactly a color, but the total presence of light reflected in any object.

You have to be careful with the color, because its meaning depends on the culture. For example: in France, red is associated with the masculine. Meanwhile, in Eastern countries, yellow and pink (together) are associated with pornography.


How to decorate my studio

According to research conducted on the subject, people prefer scenes:

  • Simple, without many background objects.

  • Clear and with lots of light.

  • Let it be seen what exists in the background.

  • Blue color, then light green and finally red.

  • They like it more when everything tends to be the same color and only the tone varies (lighter or darker).

  • They prefer light colors (desaturated, almost reaching black and white) to saturated colors (garish or scandalous).

  • They love the textures of things and hate anything that appears to be too smooth or flat.


Express yourself like an actor

It is television, but in another format. Everything is relatively false, as it is prepared in advance. Try to express real emotions when you say: What a beautiful place!, because you are going to infect the viewer with that emotion. If you say the same thing, but you don't even believe it... why should the public you work for believe it?


Go back to those topics that were accepted

If you notice that a video was very popular, analyze how you did it and repeat the formula in new videos. As simple as that.


Analyze videos of the most famous vloggers

Copying is not good, but analyzing and extracting the best from those who have more experience in a subject, will help you create something new. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. If someone does something well... why not doing the same and adapt it to your circumstances? Experiment! Nurture your creativity with positive results.


Keep the video time in an acceptable range

Sometimes we wonder how long our videos should be. The answer is simple: as long as we need to present our idea, without exceeding the time necessary to present that idea. What did he say? I mean, if the time of the video is always the same, then you should look for more content to fill it. But don't stretch a topic to meet the proposed time. On the contrary, do not try to talk about everything in a very short time. Better, create several videos with the same theme and put at the end of the name "Part I", "Part II", etc. In general, the time of a video should be between 5 and 15 minutes (for the year 2022). However, this does not imply that we cannot have videos that are up to 20, even 30 minutes long. Remember that YouTube does not always allow very long videos. Check your channel's permissions before making a video that you can't post.


Beware of contests

Are you wondering what's wrong with running a contest on your channel? There is the problem! Hardly anyone thinks about the legal repercussions of a contest; especially if you use YouTube as a means to carry it out. It is not that contests are prohibited. To make a contest on YouTube you have to comply with official rules. Rules that begin with: do not violate the policy of the United States of America (including the sanctions of this country), in the contest rules you must make it very clear that YouTube has nothing to do with it, and you have to inform what is going to happen with the data of the participants that the contest receives. Definitely, if you want to run a YouTube contest, I highly recommend giving YouTube's Contest Guidelines and Policies a good read first. You can find this in the platform's own help. Consequences if you violate these rules? Do these words sound familiar to you: lawsuits, lawyers, fines or jail? Yes, that's how serious it is! And you thought you were doing charity work.


Take care of the spelling

Yeah, I know... I sound like a grumpy professor. Well, it's up to you. I don't want to make you think that you can write things in a text editor (Microsoft Word, Apache OpenOffice Writer, LibreOffice Writer, AbiWord, etc.) and paste them into your videos, showing that you care about the content you offer to your followers. Not everything is video when you make video. However, keeping such errors to a justifiable minimum, will be appreciated.


General equipment

The cost of taking a photo or video is very high for an ordinary person. We are talking about equipment that costs a minimum of 40 to more than 1000 US dollars. A vlogger needs: a device with a camera (to film, obviously), a microphone, lights and a device to edit their videos. The cheapest thing would be to buy a cell phone (because it includes everything: camera, light, microphone and it helps you edit). But, a cell phone like this exceeds $500.00 USD. Remember that you need a cell phone that films, at least, in high definition (see FullHD). Some YouTubers have asked me for makes and models. I don't like to talk about them, because it seems that they are sponsoring me. But, if you're going to go big (and I'm looking for the best value for money for you guys) in the vlogging world, here's a guide:

  • Mobile: iPhone, Samsung Galaxy or alike from 2019 onwards

  • Camera: Panasonic Lumix G7, Canon EOS M50

  • LED lights: Neewer CN-216

  • Directional microphone: Rode Videomic Pro

  • Lavalier microphone: Popvoice PV510+, DJI wireless mic

  • Tripod: Fluid Head Manfrotto

  • Laptop: Acer Predator Helios 300, Dell XPS 15

Remember, this is just to give you an idea. Then, you adjust to the price you can afford. There are other VERY good brands and models (which are better than what is shown here), but... they are unaffordable for beginners.


Record offline

When you use a device with a data line as your only video camera, it is recommended to cut off any communication with the outside to avoid interruptions or interference in the audio due to the radio frequency emitted. That is why it is recommended to activate the Offline mode while recording. This mode is also known as: Airplane mode, Offline or Plane mode; in fact, it is represented by the icon of an airplane. A simple button was needed that would immediately cut off all types of connection with the outside, when taking off or landing a plane. That is why it is represented with an airplane. By activating this mode, you will not be able to make or receive phone calls, emails or messaging notifications. It would be the equivalent of having your device turned off, without being. This mode will help you save a considerable percentage of battery (very useful when recording video). IMPORTANT: remember to deactivate this mode, after recording, to have communication on your device again.


Lights for filming

The best light is natural (the Sun), always at the beginning or end of the day (between 7:30am - 9:30am and 5:30pm - 7:00pm, especially for outdoor shots). If you're going to be doing slow motion, fluorescent lighting or lighting created by LEDs (LED diodes) is not recommended. This type of lighting is not continuous (although there are LEDs with a very high frequency of blinking that are suitable for video). The solution is incandescent lighting (old tungsten filament bulbs) or a halogen lamp (improved version of incandescent) but they use too much electricity and produce heat. Lighting is a science, but if we go to the basics, all you need is: the sun, a white sheet hung opposite the sun and a light behind you that illuminates your hair. The sun ahead to your right, the sheet ahead to your left, and a backlight (can be artificial) behind you. Ready! You already have the lighting triangle you need. IMPORTANT: If you shoot outdoors, place a mosquito net over the subjet so that the direct light does not illuminate your character too much (causing their eyes to not open due to so much light) and place a white sheet, as in the previous case, to reflect it . Backlight is optional. In short: with the sun you shine, with the mosquito net you reduce, with the sheet you fill in the shadows of the sun and with the back light you create the silhouette to detach yourself from the background.


Light position

Although a scene must be illuminated with (at least) 3 light sources, it is important to know that by moving only the main light or key light different effects can be obtained.

  • Flat or front lighting: Forehead light used to make faces more beautiful, but a very flat image. Ideal for beauty channels.

  • Butterfly or paramount lighting: Light straight ahead, but about 25 to 45 degrees up. It gives a more feminine touch to the character. It is also known as Paramount light (because it was widely used by these film studios).

  • Loop lighting: The light is at 45 degrees in front of the subject and moves to the side to create a shadow below the nose that simulates an arch (the tip of the nose is visible on the face). This type of lighting is used to make the face look slimmer.

  • Rembrandt lighting: The light strikes from above (about 45 degrees), but is brought a little closer to the subject to create the union of the shadow of the nose with the shadow of the cheek, leaving a characteristic lighted triangle on the cheek. It is widely used in Hollywood to create greater depth and drama in the subject's face.

  • Side or split lighting: The light is positioned to the side, as if you wanted to light only the subject's ear. In this way, half of the face appears illuminated and the other half remains in total or partial darkness. It is widely used to create a lot of drama and make the subject look much more powerful or masculine.



Many vloggers try to get the best video card (GPU) on the market to be able to edit their videos, without evaluating that a computer with enough RAM memory, greatly facilitates editing. The trick is that accessing the information in RAM memory is much faster than getting this information from the hard drive. Therefore, you can try to improve the amount of RAM memory and/or change your hard disk (HDD) for a solid state drive (SSD) before buying a next-generation video card. Although, of course... this is just advice. You could go for all 3 things: RAM, SSD and GPU, if your finances support it. See the term: CUDA.


Take a screenshot

If you want a photo of what you see on the screen of your device, the first thing is to copy it into memory and paste it into a design program. On mobile devices, it is automatically saved as a file. To take this photo of your screen, you must follow the steps according to the device or operating system:

  • Windows: Press the Print Screen key, open a program like Paint, and paste your screenshot. This key may appear with the names:

    • Print SC

    • Print

    • PrtScr

    If it's a laptop, you may need to hold down the Fn function key while you press the capture key.

    To capture only the active window, also hold down the Alt key while pressing the Print Screen key once.

  • iOS mobile: Press the key to turn Power on and, while holding it down, press the Home key/button.

  • Android mobile: Press the Power key and, while holding it down, press the Volume Down key Vol - for several seconds. In recent versions, you can slide the outer edge of your outstretched hand, in a right-to-left motion across the screen. Depending on the operating system, these cheats may not be available.

If, on the other hand, what you need is to capture a video of what you see on the screen, you must do it through an application (in case your device doesn't have a built-in capture function). I can recommend: Icecream and AZ Screen Recorder. Although there are many others similar.


Video edition

Video editing programs are usually expensive and inaccessible tools. However, you can always find free options:

PC Listing

Mobile Listing

*In the case of mobile applications, some may display advertising or watermarks on the image, require an Internet connection, etc. Try them yourself.


Modify the speed

When you make your video go slower (see: Slow motion), you add drama to the sequence. Ideal when you want to mark a moment as very relevant. On the contrary, if you speed up the video (see: Fast motion), you indicate that this part is not so important and therefore it must pass quickly.


The photos on YouTube

Each social network has its requirements regarding the size and format of the images that are published. Even these sizes vary over time. YouTube requires these characteristics:

  • Thumbnail for video: 1280 x 720 pixels

  • Channel icon: 800 x 800 pixels

  • Channel header image: 2560 x 1440 pixels

In the case of the header image, depending on the device with which they visit your channel, YouTube will hide parts of your image. Therefore, you should place the most important things in the center, in an area of 1546 x 423 pixels.


Characteristics of my videos

YouTube videos have a size (width x height) called resolution, a transfer speed (for audio and video), known as bitrate, and a playback speed (defined by frames per second or FPS). I recommend you consult these terms, later.

I present a listing with the default values for your videos on YouTube, taking into account that you use a playback speed of 30 frames per second and a standard color range (not dynamic).

*Resolution @ Bitrate

  • 360p @ 1Mbps

  • 480p @ 2.5Mbps

  • 720p @ 5Mbps

  • 1080p @ 8Mbps

  • 1440p @ 16Mbps

  • 2160p @ 35-45Mbps


Minimum age

To be a YouTuber you must be over thirteen (+13) years old. So, for all those who want to start their career as a YouTuber and do not meet this requirement, better wait until you reach the minimum age. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


Request funds

Only charities, with government registration, will be able to apply for funds (money). Fundraising for political purposes is normally allowed. The sites authorized by YouTube are:


Children in your videos

If you show any minor in your videos, you have to follow these rules:

  • Maintain the physical integrity of minors:

    Never expose them to dangerous situations where they could be injured, such as jokes, challenges and risky activities.

  • Do not cause emotional damage:

    Avoid situations that can cause anguish and emotional disturbances, such as exposing adult topics to minors.

  • Respect the privacy of minors:

    Obtain the consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian before showing them in a video. Their participation in your video must be completely voluntary.

  • Moderate comments left by users on your videos:

    You have tools on YouTube to filter and review comments, and you can always report them as spam or abuse.


Restricted Products

The policies below describe the types of products that cannot be promoted on YouTube.


Academic aids

  • Adult and sexual content

  • Aid to pass drug controls

  • Anabolic steroids

  • Destructive violence and propaganda

  • Automatic clicks on ads

  • Volume discount marketing

  • Copyrighted Works

  • Counterfeit Designer Items

  • Affiliate programs for data entry

  • Markers

  • Drugs and related items

  • e-Gold

  • Endangered species

  • Adult escort and dating services

  • False documents

  • Pyrotechnic devices and fireworks

  • Hacking sites

  • Artificial increase in clicks or ad impressions

  • Miracle remedies

  • Mobile content services

  • Prostitution

  • Tobacco and cigarettes

  • Traffic devices

  • Weapons

  • Jokes or challenges

If you need help understanding any of these topics, please, visit YouTube's Help Center.


YouTube accolades

YouTube recognizes the channels that manage to reach a certain number of subscribers, through a box with the logo of the brand on it. We have seen this in several YouTubers, but... How do you get one of those recognitions?

  • Silver button: hundred thousand subscribers

  • Golden button: one million subscribers

  • Diamond button: ten million subscribers

  • Ruby button: fifty million subscribers


Ideas for your videos

Being a youtuber is not as easy as everyone imagines; doing it all yourself can drain your creativity. Here is a list of ideas, just in case:

  • Challenges:

    Get together with your group of friends and do the famous viral challenges...

    • Food Challenge: Cover your eyes and taste strange food, until you guess what it is.

    • Yoga Challenge: Imitate Yoga postures on your own or do it with a partner.

  • Routines of the day:

    Record your entire daily routine, from when you get up to when you go to bed.

  • Tutorials:

    Teach your audience (step by step) how to do something. For example: makeup, cooking recipes, crafts, art, etc.

  • Product reviews:

    Opinions about products of a certain brand; makeup, clothing, electronics, stationery.

  • Substitution:

    Put your partner, friends, mom, to narrate a tutorial. It sounds fun!

  • Imitate internet photos:

    Choose your favorite photos from the Internet and prepare your best poses to imitate them.

  • Story time

    Tell a story that you have lived and that marked your life. It can be on any subject.

  • Tags

    List keywords of a topic that interests you, for example: the tag of songs, the tag of your partner, the tag of the supermarket.

  • Questions and answers

    Ask your followers to send you the questions they want to know about you and record a video answering all their questions.

  • Reacting to my past photos or videos

    Select photos from your past or the first videos you made and record all your reactions. Surely, you will be surprised and die of laughter.

  • Musical recommendations

    Make your Top-10 favorite songs and share them with your audience.

  • Criticizing music videos

    Choose the most famous videos and say everything you don't like.

  • What's on my cell phone?

    Show your audience everything you have on your cell phone, applications, games, photos, even messages (always being careful not to show someone's private information without their consent).

  • Expectation vs. reality

    This type of video is one of the funniest and most viral. Make a proposal of how everyone imagines things and how they end up resulting in the harsh reality.

  • Tour of your room, house, studio

    Show your audience the favorite place in your house or where you work (be careful with the information you show, try not to locate your house and you will maintain privacy).

  • Dance battle

    Create your own choreography, adding your own style, and challenge your friends. Remember, you don't have to be professional, just do it and have fun.

  • Karaoke

    It's time to feel like a famous singer, choose your favorite song; sing and dance nonstop.

  • Training routine

    Exercise, motivate your audience to lead a healthier life.

  • Trying makeup

    Make a makeup tutorial, showing your audience the products you are using, from the cheapest to the most expensive.

  • Personal growth

    Advise your audience on how to achieve their dreams and become a successful person in all aspects of their lives.

  • Travels

    Record all your trip, sightseeing and food. Take your followers from your cell phone and make them live the experience with you.

  • Imitate the makeup of a celebrity

    Choose the makeup that you like the most of any celebrity and challenge yourself to do exactly the same makeup.

  • Kitchen Recipes

    Make delicious dishes, step by step, from any type of food.

  • Mystery Videos

    Investigate mysterious cases and share them with your audience. I assure you that you will leave them amazed and they will want to see more and more.

  • Seasonal looks

    Immerse yourself in the world of fashion and put together the best combinations, according to the current season.

  • What do you prefer?

    Assemble 10 extreme and fun questions on any topic. For example, what do you prefer, shave your head or throw your phone from the roof of your house?

  • Imitating photos

    Collect photos of your childhood, of your friends or they can also be photos of celebrities, imitate everything, even the scenery. I assure you that you will amuse your audience and even better you will have a good time laughing at your faces and poses.

  • Jokes

    Pranks have always been funny... well, some. Just make sure they don't get out of hand.

  • YouTuber tag

    Ask your followers to send you the questions they want, but all of them refer to the YouTubers of the moment. For example: Which YouTuber would you marry?

  • How likely is it?

    This challenge is done in pairs and a daring activity must be proposed. Set limit numbers, for example, from 1 to 10. At the same time, out loud, they have to say a number. If both repeat the same number, the challenged player must fulfill the previously selected punishment or activity.

  • Trying exotic food

    Dare to try food that you have never tried before, maybe it will become your favorite. You never know.

  • Cheap food vs. expensive

    bread with dog vs. Pork ribs, which one did you like the most? I think I can imagine your answer.

  • Hack for life

    Share tricks that will make your life easier. For example: Turn old pants into a fashionable skirt.

  • Make covers

    If you have this great gift, sing and do a thousand covers (investigate copyright before publishing). Maybe you become the new pop star.

  • Radical makeover

    If you decide to go for a radical [pronounced similar to luk] look, record the entire procedure and share it with all your followers.

  • Guess the song with emojis

    Ask your friend to choose some songs and put emojis to describe it. Obviously, that they are related to the song, so you can guess what it is.

  • Makeup routine

    Makeup for the disco is not the same as makeup to go to work. So... don't fall for this mistake. In this video you can show your followers the makeup that goes according to each occasion.

  • Movie reviews

    Choose your Top-10 movies. Share pros and cons of each movie.

  • How much your clothes cost

    Go out into the street and ask whoever you want how much money what you're wearing costs.

  • Interview with other YouTubers

    Get together with other YouTubers and discuss your experience on the platform and inspire others to dare to make videos.

  • 24 hours...

    Spend a whole day with the person you prefer or in the place you prefer. Sure, you show only a summary in your video.

  • Roast yourself

    This challenge is about creating a song with all the criticism you receive from your followers.

  • Decor

    Creative ideas to make your room or office look like you've always dreamed of.

  • Extreme challenges

    Challenge your friends, they will have a fun time and your followers will love it.

    • Eat strange things

    • Make a radical makeover

  • Hairstyles

    Create hairstyles for every type of occasion.

  • Android vs. iOS

    Decide which one is better.

  • Imitating YouTubers

    It's about making your own version of famous YouTubers' slideshow. You can give them a comic touch to make them more entertaining.

  • Trying internet tricks

    You have to try weird internet tricks and show if they really work or not. For example: makeup tricks, beauty, etc.

  • 50 things about me

    When you are a little better known, you can do 25, 50 or 100 things about me. As it is already a very exploited idea, try to make the format of your video entertaining, funny.

  • Things to do when you're bored

    Make a list of ideas for things to do when you're bored. You can show each of the activities you recommend.

  • Do it yourself…

    Teach users to do something. It can be from a simple craft, using recycled things, to more complex things such as: a piece of furniture or an organizer.

  • Combine

    It is about giving ideas to create combinations of clothes. They can be by categories: causal, office, formal, temporary, etc.

  • What am I wearing in...

    You show what you normally carry in your backpack, bag or suitcase. For example, to go to school, work or when you go on a trip. What are the things you always carry with you. You could say where you bought the things and how much they cost.

  • Singing without listening to me

    You can do it alone, with friends or collaborators. When it's in a group, you can make several pieces of paper with random songs so that everyone gets to sing a different song.

  • Social experiments

    It is about doing experiments, with people on the street, to show what their reactions are in certain situations. For example: what if a person sees when you drop money, will they return it or not? Or, how they react to an act of bullying.

  • Interviews

    Do interviews on topics that interest your audience, or people who are famous. For example, you could interview a famous YouTuber or someone on TV.

  • Collaborations

    In addition to being a good idea to create videos, it can help you grow your channel. Collaborations can be done with YouTubers that have to do with the topics you deal with on your channel.

  • Invite a family member

    You can make a video where your mom, dad, brother, partner, etc. accompany you For example, a video of challenges, interviews, revealing secrets.

  • Makeovers

    You show different changes of look, depending on the occasion; casual, to go to a party, to sleep, etc.

  • Raffles

    If you want to invest some money, you can make a giveaway among your audience. You can draw a garment of yours, accessories, toys, etc. And you can do it through comments, asking questions, with hashtags, records, among others. But, review the Contests topic, from this section itself.

  • Nutrition tips

    You give advice to your audience on how to eat healthier. Even if your channel is not about health or good nutrition, you can make these types of videos showing what you eat to stay healthy.

  • My followers decide my day

    If you already have quite a few followers, you could have your audience decide what they want you to do for a day. You do this through Instagram, YouTube or Facebook surveys (so you motivate your followers to visit your other profiles on social networks). For example, you can upload some photos of clothes and let them choose what you should wear.

  • Gameplay

    If your audience is a fan of video games or your channel deals with topics of this type, making gameplays can be quite entertaining. In these videos you narrate how you are playing and teach users tips or tricks.

  • Haul

    What is done in a video haul is to show the purchases you made and talk about each one in detail; where did you buy it, how much did it cost you, on what occasion do you use it, etc. For example, haul of clothing sales, makeup, among others.

  • Taking pictures

    It's about going out to take pictures. You show the locations, the tours, the photo sessions and then the result.

  • Testing masks

    You can try homemade masks, or from different brands and show the results to recommend or not to your audience.

  • Typical things of…

    You can make videos about typical things of many things; typical things from siblings, from school, work, from moms, grannies, from a YouTuber. Doing it in a funny way will make them more entertaining.

  • Street challenges

    There are countless challenges you can do on the street. For example, dancing alone in the street, kissing the boy you like, etc.

  • Showing off my childhood toys

    It is usually very entertaining because many people identify with some toys. For example, if your childhood was in the 80s, 90s, it will be interesting to see what toys you had.

  • Things you can do with your pet

    You give ideas, advice on what to do with something or someone. For example, with your dog, cat, cell phone, brother, partner, etc.

  • Tour around my country or my city

    People love to discover new places, if you have an audience that lives in different provinces or countries, it will be very interesting for them to know more about the places you frequent, or that are famous in your municipality/city/country.

  • Imitating famous videos

    It's like imitating Internet photos, but... with video. You recreate funny viral videos or videos that are very famous.

  • Guess the age of celebrities

    There are videos where they only put the image of the famous and give you some time to guess their age, but it would be better if you interacted with a collaborator, friend, family member, etc. to make it more entertaining.

  • If you laugh, cry, get angry... you lose

    They are challenges or jokes where the condition is that if you laugh, cry or get angry, you lose. For example: they can be challenges to eat things that are itchy, disgusting, or tell jokes, etc.

  • Flirting tips

    You give tips to attract the person you like.

  • Tips to improve

    You give advice to learn English, this is an idea, but you can do it about many things. For example: to concentrate, to study, to read faster, etc.

  • Reading comments

    Something that many YouTubers do is read the comments. Doing it in a funny way will help make it more entertaining.

  • My collection of…

    You can make endless videos about my collection of…toys, makeup, clothes, shoes, etc. The joke is that they are things that your audience may be interested in.

  • Imitating memes

    What you should do is imitate famous memes, the goal is to make your audience laugh, try to make it as entertaining as possible.


Media terminologies

Below you will find a series of words used in the world of video. They can help you understand better when you read technical literature on video or chat with another vlogger.

blogger: (neologism) Person who owns or contributes to a blog, vlog or blog. See: Vlogger.

vlogger: (neologism) Person who owns or contributes with a vlog or blog, especially supported in video.

blogger: Person who contributes content to a blog, always with a political character.

vlogging: Log of events related to a particular topic, especially supported in video (on the contrary, it is called a blog).

Frames Per Second [FPS]: Frames, photos or frames per second, is the value that measures the playback or recording speed of a video. In the standard used by America (NTSC), this value is 29.97 FPS. However, the movies still use the 24 FPS frame rate and so they look a bit different. Using 24 frames per second not only gives your video a cinematic look, it also makes your videos a little lighter (in megabytes).

time lapse: It means time lapse and is also known as hyperlapse. It's the time-sped-up effect seen in some videos. As you already know, a video is made up of a series of frames and these are recorded at a certain speed. If the capture speed is delayed, but the playback speed is maintained, we are in the presence of a video of this type. It is common to use it to show that time has passed. For example, we are saying that at night we are going to visit a nightclub. We make a time-lapse where you can see the sun falling on the horizon and getting dark, and immediately, we show the scene of the Club.

Tip: By using a kitchen timer and fixing the camera on it, we can make the camera rotate as time passes.

fastmotion: Technique applied to speed up the film. Sometimes it is slower than time-lapse. Its effect implies that this shot is not very relevant. So you have a better idea and you can compare. A time-lapse can collect up to 24 hours in 10 seconds, while a fast-motion only accelerates 10 seconds in one.

slow motion: Filming at high frames per second (typically between 60 and 3000), which allows everything to be viewed very slowly. It can be simulated by computer programs, but... keep in mind that the frame reduction must coincide with an exact division between frames, to obtain greater sharpness. A very useful application can be EFECTUM or TWIXTOR. The term can also be found as slow-mo in some literature.

bullet time: To slow down time to such an extent that everything stops. What differentiates it from a photograph is that, while everything is frozen, the camera can be moved within the scene. Among the films that made use of this technique is Blade, although they are all reminiscent of The Matrix.

stop-motion: It is done by taking pictures and moving objects slightly. You can make objects move as if by magic. It is to make the film frame by frame. It is generally used in animations and video clips, to add a little more art to the work. One of the funniest effects achieved with this method is the witch flying on a broom. The actor must jump with the broom between his legs, while the photograph is taken at the highest point of his jump. Then, he must advance on his traced route and repeat this step until he gets the seconds of video that the shot requires. In America, at almost 30 FPS, 3 seconds would imply 90 jumps. Therefore, the actor must be fit. It can be a magnificent challenge and I assure you that you will have fun. If they do, they have to give the photos similar names (eg: photo001.jpg, photo002.jpg, etc.), and finally they are imported as a sequence.

Keyframe: It is a key frame, with information about the changes produced to an object, at a certain moment of the film. That is, a point where important changes are noted such as: rotation angle, size, shape, color, transparency, etc. By using keyframes, frame-by-frame animation is avoided; since the computer is able to transition between the different values ​​of each keyframe in the movie.

Transition: A transition is the way or effect in which one piece of film or audio gives way to another, avoiding a sharp cut between the two. Among the most well-known transitions are: fade and slide. Both with input and output characteristics.

clips: A clip is nothing more than a segment of video or audio. In Cuba, the word clip is often used to refer to a music video.

B-Roll: They are nothing more than those scenes that we filmed to show additional details of the main theme. They are scenes that work (many times) as Plan B when we don't have the scene we need. These scenes are so useful that it is recommended to do about 10 minutes of B-Roll for every 30 minutes of main filming. To exemplify what a B-Roll is, we have to put a situation: you are talking about your last trip to the beach and you are describing how beautiful the sea was. Of course you will film the sea from various angles. But, you should also shoot a bird flying, a crab walking, palm trees moving in the wind, even clouds passing by. These scenes are called B-Roll. They are not part of the film, but they can help us spice up a scene or fill in a space where we had nothing to show, if the script changes. To make a good B-Roll, think about what you would shoot if you had to return to that place... and anticipate the events.

Intro: It is considered the presentation of the channel. It is that 5-second video that serves to identify the channel. On the contrary, when it is placed at the end, it is called an outro [pronounced similar to áu-tróu] and is considered a closing or farewell.


The list continues

But, we know that you are dying to start your channel already. So, go on... bookmark this webpage and visit it later for more tips.

If it was useful to you or your channel, show your charity. If you cannot make the bills show up, leave a like or a comment & thank you for reading!

$ 0.40
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for JOHNNYinside
1 year ago


Your each and everything .... Your opnion is correct you are guiding society and also world in very right way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much for such comment. In fact, some people can make a living on YouTube only. Even though the platform is making it a little bit harder everyday, IMHO.

$ 0.00
1 year ago