"Every moment is a fresh beginning." – T.S. ET.S.

Each new day offers us a new chance to begin again. We don’t have to wait for a big life changing moment to start fresh. Every day, even every moment, we have the power to choose a new beginning.

Here are a couple of questions I'd ask myself today

  1. How can I make today my fresh start?
  2. What new beginning can I create in this very moment?

Today happens to be Monday. Start of a new week. How can I make a fresh start today? However, how can I begin a new when the shadows of the recent past still haunts me!

I guess I will have to make a list of where I failed in the recent past and solve them with a new approach. If there something I really need to START is to write a journal for my everyday activities. To organize my day!

How about you? How can you make today a fresh start?

Good Morning!

Credit: Image was generated using ideogram.ai

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@JLoberiza posted 1 month ago
