Five fellows are the protagonists, main characters and heroes in this epic drama. One a good Wizard named Kolwitz Doctor, a good female Sorcerer named Felam, a wonderful knight Grulow, an arrow expert Arolnd, prince Xity Braveman and his dragon, Expert. They are the myth of Queen's Park and together protect Queen's Park from all kinds of evils. Mythic and legendary items, the garment of Lismuv and staff of Zick. The worst, knights of Swansea and lords ( wizards) of Swansea.
Our five heroes travel to many cities in England, islands, valleys, mountains, lakes and so forth to get rid of many evils, events, garment of Lismuv and staff of Zick, till they come across the knights of Swansea and lords of Swansea. Battle them and the battles great, epic, legendary, mythic, heroic and marvelous.
In the end, Arolnd and Wizard Kolwitz Doctor survive. Prince Xity Braveman sacrifices his life for Queen's Park, rather than Wizard Kolwitz Doctor, knight Grulow into a hole and never returns with lots of enemies. Falem is stabbed, unknown to her when battling enemies. Kolwitz Doctor and Arolnd weep for prince Xity, Grulow and Falem.
Arolnd and Kolwitz Doctor return to Queen's Park and with the staff of Zick and garment of Lismuv. Arolnd is crowned king of Queen's Park and wears the garment of Lismuv and staff of Zick. Everyone also mourn and celebrate the deaths of their fallen heroes.
King Arolnd in front of the people(wearing the garment of Lismuv, holding the staff of Zick and his bow in his shoulders), Wizard Kolwitz Doctor by his side and the people of Queen's Park jeering and also screaming his name.
Thank you