Never let hate, get the best of you

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2 years ago

Hi everyone! What's going on? I have just finished my dinner, and rain is pouring outside, which has changed my mood swings. I don't know the reason, but when rain comes, it brought sad and gloomy memories with it, and create sadness around. Although for some, it is a great source of pleasure, but also put some in dejection.

Anyway, tomorrow would be busy day for me, as in the morning I will go to pick my clothes from tailor, as later also have appointment in parlor. Actually, tomorrow is the mehndi night of my cousin, so I have to make preparations for it. One of my cousin, is planning to invite guests to present bottles and sweets, but their home is far from the groom's house. So it would be difficult for guests to travel there, so he is planning to arrange it at our home.

Yesterday, I was out with my mom, to buy some matching jewelry with my dresses. We also went to pay the electricity bill, but there was a long queue outside, so we had to wait for half an hour. Meanwhile, we saw a lady whose skin was badly burned, even her fingers were completely damaged. I was sad to see her, and she was standing next to us.

She asked me to submit her important papers at the reception, as she was not aware about the process attesting. I was already feeling sad for her, so I immediately helped her. In the meanwhile, my mom asked her the reason of her burnt skin. I was shocked to hear what she said. She told us that this happened few years ago while she was sleeping with her siblings in the room.

Suddenly, a fire blaze in the room, and they hardly manage to come out of this room. But the next thing she told us was more shocking. Actually the fire was blazed by their uncle, their aunt's husband, out of envy. They were having some arguments, so he took his revenge in this way. It was not only her, but her siblings were also badly burned.

How could someone be so heartless? He did this reckless act, out of envy, without considering the consequences. My next question to her was that, what happened with their uncle then? Haven't police come to arrest him? She said, he was cunning man, so be come out of this matter cleverly. Although he escaped from the worldly punishment, but on the day of judgement, he would surely be penalised for it.

It's true, anger and hate, are man's worst enemy, who could lead to make inferior decisions. This was something, the price of which they will pay for their whole life. But, what was the fault of the ones, who become his victims. We should always keep ourselves away from hate, and never let it stay in our heart.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


I feel so sad with her. She even don't know whats going on but unfortunately she was trapped by the fire😔 Why so heartless man, why some people are like this. Thankfully that she was survive🙏

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Such people are not concerned with others, as for them, the only thing which matters is their own satisfaction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thats true😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about that person. I'm also going to post something like that. Deep breathe just came out. We are becoming monster day by day. Human beings are now spreading hatred feelings everywhere.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Right, people are turning into monsters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When are heart is full of hatred then that's what came out on our mouth. When we are full of anger we can't always see the brighter side. We always see anyone as enemy, if we don't have what that person had then we have to work for it co'z after all anger won't do any good aside from destroying our real self

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are right dear, anger and hate destroy us completely

$ 0.00
2 years ago