I Received the best news yesterday
Hi everyone! What's going on? I couldn't publish an article yesterday, because of the good news which I received yesterday. It was the most grateful day of my life, can you guess the reason?
Lol...ok!! Don't worry, I will not create more suspense. So the news is that, I become aunt once again.Yeye...My elder sister has been blessed with the baby boy..Alhumdulliah. The little prince has come to light up our world, and to add more happiness to our life. I can't put into words, what I felt yesterday, when I heard this good news.
I wanted to go immediately to the hospital, but it was raining continuously, but my brother dropped me there as soon as the rain stopped. I held him in my arms, and feel so blessed. Actually, kids are Almighty's greatest blessing, and I consider myself lucky to have wonderful nephew and nieces. I pray Almighty keep them in his protection, and give them healthy and long life.
I am writing this article, while having my dinner, because I wanted to share this news to my beautiful family here. After completing this article, and doing my households, I will go for shopping with my mom to buy some clothes and toys for him. I am already excited to hold him every day in my hands, as the peace we get to hold our little ones in our hands, is irreplaceable.
Children are real blessing, but I always feel sad whenever I hear the hard treatment of people towards them. As few days ago, I heard a news that a father has beaten his child so badly, just for the reason that he asked him to buy a pair of shoes for him. How could someone be so heartless, even others were screaming, and insisting on stopping this inhuman treatment towards him, but all was in vain. I don't think, he would be in his senses, he must be a lunatic person.
Children are pure and free from any kind of malice, so why people behave recklessly with them. No matter the child is your or not, but he deserves to be treated politely. When children grow up, they mostly spend their time in school, under the protection of their teachers, so it's their responsibility to also behave kindly with them.
Once a teacher, slapped a child so hardly that there were some marks on his body and near his eyelids. His mother was crying to see the plight of his kid, how could someone be so heartless. Even she complained the principle, but he never give any response, and in turn blamed the kid for his mistakes. Then finally she went to court to get justice, and teachers were suspended.
In short, the ones who behave roughly with children, are not deserve to be called humans, as they are heartless people, because everyone naturally hold a soft corner, and affection in his heart for children. So, love children, and treat them politely. Any,away, that's all for today.
Thanks for reading.
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Congratulations to your sis and to your family.