Man Offers to Buy 111 Tesla Model 3s if Elon Musk's Company Accepts Bitcoin Cash for Payments

Tesla the electric car manufacturer announced accepting bitcoin (BTC) for payments and also mentioned that the coins wouldn’t be sold for fiat. Just recently, the host of the Youtube channel claims he will buy 111 Tesla Model 3 cars. However, the host of the educational Youtube channel that teaches “people learn how to make their first million dollars,” wants Elon Musk to accept bitcoin cash (BCH) in exchange for the offer.’s host is a Tesla fan and the model can be seen in a variety of his prior videos.

Host of the educational Youtube channel says he’s committed to purchasing 111 Tesla cars if Elon Musk got Tesla to accept bitcoin cash payments. The host has been publishing videos for three years now on Youtube and his “hobby is educating others about financial freedom.” The cost to purchase 111- 2021 Tesla Model 3s at the base MSRP of around $38,500 per car would cost over $4.2 million.

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@Israr2 posted 3 years ago
