It’s Suppose to be Hard

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Avatar for Immaculate17
2 years ago
Topics: Ideas, Life, Random topic

So today was kind of a normal day, went to church in the morning as it’s first Sunday we closed longer than normal due to thanksgiving and all, it was then I was getting some inspiration about life had to take my notepad on my phone and write some things down

Sorting out your vocation is a serious matter. And that’s why you should be better at anything you do

Talents take 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to solidify. To reach mastery level in other words take 10 years of concerted efforts. No more no less. 
Malcolm Gladwell and Daniel Coyle detailed this fact in their best selling books titled Outliers and Talent Code respectively.

An expert performer according to welter of findings cited in those books is expected to hone her skills for roughly 10,000 hours of intensive training. 
Clocking that huge hours of deliberate practice takes more than interest, you’ve got to be passionate or more quixotically: obsessive.

Robert Greene also chronicled this line of thought in his masterpiece titled thoughtfully: Mastery. And he agreed with the time frame it takes to perform at elite level.

Most especially, it means becoming master at a skill requires you go beyond the ‘I am good at it level’ to ‘I am better at it’.

Focusing on one skill for ten years, learning the yin and the yang therefore set you up for perhaps with luck on your side: success.

But as we move towards the conceptual age, away from the shinning era of information super highway, survival won’t necessarily be tied to the apron string of our ability to master one particular skill set for years.

Rather, the best among us would be those who master various disparate, unconnected high demanding and cognitively tasking skills then intuitively sift and connect them in way that will seamlessly solve humanity greatest problems.

Put simply, you must start somewhere. It’s pretty good to have eyes on the big picture, to dream of a world as it should be rather than the way it is; to boil with radical thoughts on how best to change the world. But it is far more crucial to start with a step. And that step is not going to be easy. One thing lead to another. And no victory is without its dues. 

The road to discovering your callings will take careful attention, steel mind-set, thick skin, and of course large amount of optimism. 

Luckily, there are thousands of others who have scaled this stage before. People who have walked this same road and are ready to lend a helping hand. The best to do is to reach out to them. For guidance and mentoring.

In a way, you can only be guided along that windy trajectory the course of your life will take, you can only be mentored so that your idea won’t die in the process of formation, the big job of making your dream a reality still lies in your hand. 

And here, courage will be the defining characteristics of your dream. Your life journey is supposed to be hard, but with courage by your side, you can scale from one step, to another, also let’s not forget the God factor because you can’t do anything outside him, know your God in the days of thy youth and he shall lead your path

Everyone has dreams but not everyone possesses the power, knowledge and ability to make their dreams a reality. All successful people possess certain truths and habits, principles that make them the success that they are. I have carried out an intense research on habits of successful men and women. In this article, I have compiled below a comprehensive list of the top 10 things successful people do to reach their dreams. Come with me on a journey as we learn from these great men

To get good, it’s helpful to be willing, or enthusiastic, about being bad.

#job #success #training #people #change#learning #talent


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Avatar for Immaculate17
2 years ago
Topics: Ideas, Life, Random topic
