Pot of wisdom

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Avatar for Immaculata
1 year ago

Wisdom is one quality that everyone finds attractive. I mean who doesn't love too see people who are epitomes of wisdom. If we so love wisdom and want the acquire it, then I think it is right that we look at the African folklore of how wisdom came to be. There are different versions to this story but they all tell thesame thing. I'll just tell the version told to me by my beautiful grandma

In the beginning of creation, there was nothing like wisdom. Both man and animal lived anyhow they wished without thinking things through. No one had the art of philosophising because the wisdom to do so wasn't there. God looked upon the earth and it's inhabitants and decided that it would be good to spice it up with the gift of wisdom. So he gave his messenger a pot filled with wisdom with an instruction to take the pot to earth and spread it's content on the man.

The angel on getting to earth got distracted by the beauty of God's creation. He decided to keep the pot along a lonely pathway and survey the beautiful earth after which he would continue his journey. The pathway was used by both man and animal. On returning to complete his mission, the angel discovered that the pot was missing.

The pot was picked by Mr. Turtle who was on his way to the farm. He was attracted to the elegant beauty of the pot and so decided to take it home. When he got home, he peered into the pot and his eye was opened to wisdom.

Mr. Turtle decided to use the pot as a tool to make wealth. He began to give wisdom to the rich in exchange for their riches.

He soon became the most sought after wealthy animal in the world. He would always carry the pot of wisdom on his back anywhere he went. No one had access to the pot except him.

It did not take long Mr Turtle started making enemies. The poor men and animals that could not afford to buy wisdom began to hold meetings on ways to steal the pot of wisdom from Mr Turtle. Their mission to steal the pot always turned abortive because the wise Turtle took the pot every where it went. They soon gave up on the dreams of getting wisdom.

One day Mr Turtle embarked on a long-distance journey. As usual he had the pot of wisdom with him. He met a monkey on the way. The monkey had heard so much about Mr Turtle and the pot of wisdom, so he decided to attack Mr Turtle and obtain the pot from him.

In a bid to prevent the pot of wisdom from being stolen by Mr monkey, Mr Turtle climbed up a tree but was unlucky followed by the monkey. They soon began to struggle over the pot. Amid their struggle, the pot fell from the tree and broke into pieces. The contents of the pot spilled out and spread throughout the world. Mr turtle lost his only means of income and in exchange, wisdom became available to everyone in the world.

Because Mr Turtle has refused to reconcile himself with the truth that his source of income had vanished, he bought an ordinary pot from the market and paraded it about to people as the pot of wisdom. Mr Turtle still has the pot on his back till today.

Because both man and animal did not know that the pot of wisdom has broken, they still go about seeking wisdom. This is the end of our story.

Well let me ask us all a question. Are you among those who still go about looking for wisdom? If the answer is yes, then seek no more for wisdom is already there with you. You just have to start making use of it.

I hope you did enjoy this story of how wisdom came to be. If you would like to hear more African folklores, comments below and I will gladly be of service in bringing to you more tales.

Thanks for reading 💖

All images are from Google

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Avatar for Immaculata
1 year ago


Nice story. Yes, please, write more about African folklore!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks. I'll happily write more

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1 year ago