A prompt: things I did in school

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2 years ago

Hi guys. How is your day going? Beautiful right. Well I saw a post from @Itsfarah giving answers about school addictions. I was inspired to answer this questions myself and thus give an insight on what my elementary and secondary school life was like.

Skipped class

I was an overly obedient kid in elementary school, so skipping classes was a no no for me. But in my secondary school days, I skipped a lot of classes that I lost count. I hated math class so I always had behind the staircase to avoid it. I also skipped classes whenever I was unable to do my assignments.

Bullied anyone on school
I was a low k byey bully in elementary school. As I grew older, I began to realise the dangers associated with it, so I stopped. In my secondary school, I began to protect the bullied.

Been suspended from school

I never had the mind to do anything that would land me in suspension. My father would have skinned me alive😩

Hit someone with chalk

I feel anyone who never did this missed a lot of school fun o. We even had to use chalk as powder in class. The spirit of hitting people with chalk left me during my senior year

Make fake excuses for being late

The teacher in charge of late comers even grew tired of my excuses. My school had this funny practice of giving late comer award at the end of every session. I remember winning the award twice.

Been home schooled

My parents believed in letting the school do that job.

Had a crush on someone in my class

I crushed on a lot of guys in my class. I mean those guys were all cute and handsome. Who wouldn't?

Played in sports team

I was in the female football team as well as other clubs. Anywhere there is sports, there I was.

Thanks for reading 💖

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2 years ago
