Your Meal, Your Safety

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1 year ago
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This articles want you to know more about our own/different beliefs, this is about superstitious beliefs about our safety. If this is against your own beliefs please do respect ours and we also respect yours, you are free to share your own beliefs here.


How many meals do you eat in a day? four? three? some of us are very lucky to have a meal three times a day because there other people who wanted to eat but they can't because they are lack of money to buy their own foods. That's the sad reality now a day.

But did you know that there's also different beliefs before, during and after our meals? we should and should not do before, during and after our meals? here in our country we are very superstitious in different things that we know we should pay more attention. Once I was a kid I always laugh when my grandmother talk about this kind of thing like "seriously" we should/shouldn't do that thing? that's more likely a joke to me once I heard that, don't get me wrong I'm just a kid that time nothing is more important than playing with my friends. So here's some of superstitious beliefs that I know about meals.



  1. Do not wash plates - this is not a literal meaning of course, this is when someone or your neighbors gives you a food do not wash their plates just let it unclean then give it back to them because it is a blessing and they said that if you wash the plates, you will washed the blessings too. Although it is so rude to do but just say thank you instead.

  2. Drop utensils - it is the most common superstitious beliefs that we always encounter that if you drop the utensils on the floor there's someone who's coming. If you drop the fork it is for 'girl' and the spoon for 'boy' but if you drop the knife it means there is bad thighs might happen to someone you know.


  1. Turn you plate - this is when someone is leaving in the middle of the meals, they said that you need to turn their used plate for them to have a safe trip and there's nothing bad will happen to them.

  2. Leave Unclean - Don't you ever clean the table or the used plates when someone is still eating, just leave it there and let the last person who still eating clean it for themselves because we believe that if you clean the table and there's someone still eating she/he might live alone forever or if she/he is married he/she will have an unhappy marriage life.

  3. Choke - when you are in the middle of a meal and you suddenly choke it means someone is talking about you.


  1. No left overs- Make sure that you leave nothing even the single grain of rice in the table, rice is a blessing if you throw it away it like you throw away the blessings.

There still a lot of superstitious beliefs that you might think is crazy but there is nothing wrong is you will follow those.

If you believe it like me, it is ok. If you do not, it is still ok nothing wrong with that we have a different believe and in the end of the day we still choose what we believing right? and I do respect those beliefs of yours.

We don't need to have an argument to other people just because we want them to understand us or want them to understand what we are trying to say.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Mindset, Facts, Childhood, Ideas, Earnings, ...
