Greetings to saints in Jesus Christ

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3 years ago
Topics: Religion

An important lesson that COVID -19 reinforced on my mind in one of the countries was the act of motivating people to do their best in hostile situations by expression of appreciation. The health workers who put their lives on the line working round the clock to save lives were constantly appreciated by series of groups with heart-warming inscriptions. All these served a purpose – encouragement for them to do more in their service to the people of the country.

Apostle Paul realized the need to appreciate the people whom Ray Stedman of ‘Authentic Christianity’ called “the early-day saints.” Everybody on his team got mentioned for either sending greetings or receiving greetings. The aim was to let them know that their contributions to his ministry was noted and recognized. Everyone who wants to grow in the contemporary time must acknowledge and appreciate the impact of the people God has placed around him. Also, we must learn to appreciate those laboring in the service of edifying us spiritually. No one’s impact is insignificant, therefore, everyone deserves to be appreciated. What strategy will you or your church adopt in appreciating those faithful servants in your midst and those that have impacted your life meaningfully this year?

Insight: Greeting is an oil that makes the wheel of ministerial service run smoothly.

Prayer: May every faithful servant in our fellowship centers be greatly blessed today.

Bible Text: Colossians 4:7-15

Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house. Colossians 4:15, NKJV

RBT Passage: Numbers 22-24

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