AHH, this place.

can't forget all the memories, the people I met, her and everything. It was all perfect.

Life moves pretty fast, thing changes in one night. Had to Go into dark alone and focus on priorities bigger than dreams.

I hope you're all having amazing time in your life and on this place. Idk, can't feel like I should be here anymore. Stay happy, you deserve more.

$ 0.18
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@Idksamad7869 posted 3 months ago


Still a ghost town... but at least is our ghost town 👻

$ 0.00
3 months ago

Missing those old days.

$ 0.00
3 months ago

99% of people are now just .... someone I was used to know 😆 🤣

$ 0.00
3 months ago

Same in my case. You, infinity, teng and just some are still who haven't forgotten and still in contact.

$ 0.00
3 months ago

The door was wide open for everyone on all the projects I work with... not many followed! (did I failled as a leader?) :))

$ 0.00
3 months ago

Nah, you did great..showed way to as many as possible. It just some people lack to follow or do simple thing.

$ 0.00
3 months ago