Nothing just some random thoughts

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago


I never thought I'll run out off topic but sadly it's truth and some thoughts was circulating in my mind so i decided to write them all to feel well otherwise headaches is waiting.

Also I don't wanna spoil my day or waste my day by doing nothing and something miracle happend today let me show it first.

I can say it miracle

This is more than miracle seeing BCH again below 400$ after 5months and it's unbelievable but whenever I'm opening my wallet to check balance it's getting lower and lower instead of increasing but i stopped seeing dollars and now focusing how fast my BCH is going up and if I'll waste my day I don't wanna risk coz i know BCH can start pumping again anytime and my aim is to achieve 2bch so its better to stay active.

Some house works i completed

From past two days I'm busy with house works coz it's open house i want to build it properly previously we shifted too early here and alot of work was still left to be done and now we've needed some woods for house work so it was not a big deal i arranged a person and we've a deal done to cut trees and make them according to how we need it.

So now it's all cleared and I'm soo tired coz i was with him checking his work if i wasn't there then he'll take 3-4 days to finish it but luckily coz i was there it all finished in 2days and now only thing left is to take those woods down here from mountain to our house and i contacted a car to take that but he asked for 30$ like seriously i asked these all woods doesn't cost that much (by the way it cost even more) and now looking for other person who take reasonable prices and also contacted one of relatives to do this now we need help so it's their time to help haha.

My health condition

It's been 10days taking medicines on regularly basis and much better than how i was few days back but still my mouth have some infection left and if it remains like this i bet my mouth will be full of these infections and again I'll struggle to eat and now I'm never gonna visit doc every time i do visit they offer some medicine and now only 4days left to complete course and then after a week nothing will change so it's better to sacrifice eating peacefully from my life.

And also wrist pain I don't know what mistake i did and these two things are not leaving me alone one is mouth infection and other is wrist pain I'm okay with wrist pain issue coz it only show it worst in night time but mouth remains like this for whole month or more than 20days.

Tried everything and never told these things to my mom I don't wanna make her think about me and also doctor offered me a tube for wrist pain and it's finish now but still it's like that nothing changed and I'm leaving this forever.

I'm wasting days

Every day i make plan to wake up early and focus on illustration or freelancing side but nope time is not with me I'll wake up after 1pm and then after doing breakfast or fresh started playing games like normally and nowadays my friends are also not active Coz of their upcoming exams.

And this cycle is running day by day and I'm the one who is paddling and wasting each and every day by not working to increase or work on my skills.

Some weirdo things i do

I don't know these are weird or not but for me it is before sleeping to after waking up my only first thing is to take mobile with me also in bathroom and starting using it and clearing everything happened when i was sleeping and from then till when I'll sleep I'm not going to leave my mobile for a second.

By the way if miracle happend and i forgot my mobile to take in bathroom then Einstein is nothing for me coz i started thinking beyond imaginations and sometimes when i want to write article speedy i prefer to go in bathroom and it works everytime.

Things i do in free time

Look who's talking about free time a person who's free whole day and use mobile or laptop and do nothing else instead of something but my free time start after 1am after playing games with my friends and when they leave me before 1am and i close whenever they leave and then only thing is to waste some time in social media and wait for 1am coz after 1am I've unlimited internet.

Money talks

My monthly package never last for 30days so from now i decided to download things after 1am and stream at that time and use social media in day time but these days it's not working i always make a plan I'll download movies tonight but mood swings or say I'm lazy.

Laziest person ever

I'm proud laziest person exist you'll think I'm so productive here and in personal life I'm the laziest person not from start but after shifting from city to village there's nothing to do and this make me act like lazy.

And these days I'm focusing on it and these two days helped me alot and from these two days I'll make a routine and coz of improving myself i left everything behind not giving time to friends and person who was close to me but it's hurting me and don't have any choice.

My bad luck in noise cash

This month started with my bad luck in noise cash and from couple of days or week I'm hustling to achieve 2$ in 3 or 5days but i was okay with it never complained but nowadays I'm not even getting any single $ in a week coz of spam or don't know what happened but seeing many peoples facing this issue and the thing make me sad is they are not updating what's their policy or new system and from now I'm waiting when they will make final decisions regarding that till then I'll hustle to get 2$ in a week or more

3days struggle

In these 3days this is what i was able to make from noise cash and this was time i was waiting from too long but when this opportunity comes I can't do anything and this is baddest time I've ever experienced in noise but still happy with it and using it as social platform it's their choice if they wanna give me or not nothing will change for me noise is still first priority like before.

Closing thoughts

Still too much thoughts left to be shared but for today it's enough coz woods arrived and they are waiting for me to take those woods to my home otherwise no guarantee of those and also market condition seems like we are going back in stone age of crypto world or it's paralysed but anyways we're holders and going to hold it forever and I'm listening some fud they are fully trying and ready to crash it below 20k$ or don't know isn't it's decentralised if it is then why someone can manipulate market and prices so easily let me know if you've answer of this I'm so confused.

That's all folks.

$ 26.36
$ 25.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @Meyzee
$ 0.15 from @Panky
+ 10
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Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago


As far as I could remember, you also complained about your mouth issues back when you were planning to buy the phone. Am I correct?

In my country, once we have some kind of allergies, we avoid certain food like eggs, eggplants, shrimps, chicken, mmm, I forgot the rest. So I suggest you avoid those too.

About your wrists, it could be due to constant typing on your laptop. I used to suffer from that too when I was still working in a BPO company. So the best thing you can do is relax your wrists and be sure you follow the right position for your hands when you type.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes exactly it was also at that time and still not leaving me tried everything

I tried everything avoid many things but nothing changed

And agreed with you wrist pain is coz of using mobile 24hrs with only one hand and trying to not use too much but you know it's addiction

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Use both hands then. Hehe. Take care of your health. We are saving BCH for the future so let's avoid spending it for medical bills. Hehe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One thing I noticed in your writing, it makes me out of breath 😅 maybe you can put punctuations in your paragraphs 😅

Btw, don't mind the market and take care of your health. ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Was waiting for this type of comment haha will try next time still learning

And thank you for these words it's alot for me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I just found your paragraphs so long because they're lacking with periods or commas 😅 but your writings are good.. Anyway we all are still learning here and so we have to teach each other 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know how to add beauty in articles and from next time I'll remember your advice and I don't have words to say thanks to you coz you're the one who adviced me and I'm doing this mistake from past 5months so next time I'll improve it once again thank you jane 💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well i read some portion of your article Not only you are lazy, I also lazy evwn nowadays manh people became lazy for doing nothing. I will say we are not wasting our time. And definitely we should be Active now because this is a great time to add BCH, not dollars.. Btw i am still struggling to make 1 BCH. AND YOU completed that already and looking for 2 BCH. Congratulations!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think laziness is in weather or season by the way you can achieve 1bch just keep working it's best time to complete 1bch as I'm trying to make 2bch from this dip
Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We all do strange things I assume. Some seem normal to us, but strange to anybody. I try to teach my kids the difference between different and strange. We all do assume that if somebody does something what we normally wouldn't do it is perceive as strange, while sometimes it is just different!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said agree with you and you're looking a good dad !!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago