My Wallet tour : Glimpse on wallet

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago

Greeting! To all my brothers and their sister's today topic seems interesting coz a lot of people's was asking to write on this

So I'm here today to tell my secrets behind my earnings and what's hidden inside my wallet. Isn't I'm so curious about this.

Before this platform my wallets always remains empty but now I'm opening my own bank.

So let's get started with some details

Topic's I'll highlight today :

All mystery is left behind one screenshot


Just because of suspense i decided to hide amount but you can google BCH to $ but will suggest you to don't waste your time doing this it will be fun reading down!

followings are wallet we will explore and secret hidden behind them :

  • 1$ challenge

  • 2$ challenge

  • CST - wallet

  • For good content creator

  • Noise cash March

  • Read cash wallet

  • An upcoming contest

Let's get started explaining these all settings and my strategy.

1$ challenge

First of all this one is oldest one and i used to challenge my self to achieve at least one $ per day.

When i was almost in 500 subscriber list i started achieving 1$ per day and after a week felt motivated and asked my self to increase this challenge take some more tough decision.

My question to you guys?

Are you challenging yourself ? If not then start your challenge to yourself from now and see results in coming days.

You guys will definitely going to love my idea and will thank me if it works.

Let's move on to next one 

2$ challenge

Currently I'm working and upgraded my self challenge from 1 to 2 so no need to worry about that everyday with help and support you guys show me it helps me to complete my challenge so easily.

I'm now deciding to upgrade this 2$ a day to 3$ but it's not easy for me wait let me show you my current situations.

Right before 30 minutes withdrawn my 2$ for today challenge.

What's my strategy for 3$

I'm applying different strategy from today to achieve 3$ from noise a day.

How it works?

Let me first show you this

current strategy

So basically I'll first complete 2$ and transfer it to my noise cash this month wallet.

After transferring I'm going to collect as much i can from that time it can be 1$ it can be 0.5$ or even 2$.

What will this help me ?

Yes,this is absolutely going to work and it will help me to know how far i can earn in 1 day.

Learning and exploring is two different words with different meaning but if you got this two then you are the one who is known as successful person and I'm basically in search of it and trying exploring and learning new things.

These look's old isn't it old so let's move to bright side of my wallet.

CST Wallet

This is bright side of my wallet and looking forward to invest on this.

It is almost stable coin for and a best option to Hold. As you guys know this will reward everyone who is holding it on every week Tuesday.

Yup today is pay day I'm not so excited about it but those are excited who have more than 50 or 100 CST and literally they are best one to find best stable token to invest in.

My holdings

I'll not going to say it my holdings or I'm too rich by having this tokens.

Wait before showing you what I'm holding please promise me you guy's are not going to laugh or make joke on me.

So now you promised me and here is my CST right now

don't laugh

If you laugh on this I'm going to buy 100 CST so please don't laugh I'm telling you .

Profit I'm getting

Yes,every Tuesday they pay me 0.05$ for holding 4.6 CST i won from giveaway.

Its nothing for me coz it's too small but still holding because I've some plans .

Going to invest in

Yes this is main reason of holding this small amount of CST.

Yesterday asked my friend he's holding almost 60 CST and i asked him to tell me what he got today.

He will tell me how much he got today for holding 60 CST then I'll make a final decision to invest in it.

100 CST?

Hope so I'm looking to buy as much as i can but in reasonable prices so first will wait for reasonable prices.

I'm sure this token is going to rock in future previous pump made this token to rise almost too close to 1$ .

Things you should know about this token and benefits

I'm going to tell you benefits of this which i know and sharing my own opinion

  • Give you BCH every week

  • Price increase depends on BCH ups and down

  • In my opinion it's stable token

  • Depend on tokens more token's more weekly BCH

Will suggest you to invest in it and earn some profits just work like bank or insurance.

Almost forgot to tell you about myth hunter tokens

These token's are just waste for me now i won a giveaway by @SofiaCBCH but i was unlucky to receive rewards as i was late and rewards are already distributed among people's who are holding this but sadly got nothing but will wait to win this year .

For good content creator

As you know a little bit after seeing title but not everything I'm going to explain here so grab some snacks and read it.

Created this wallet specially for those who are working good and creating original stuff making other faces smile and inspiring others to do hard work like him.

I personally like those who are loyal with their work and platform and always think good of others.

Judging peoples isn't so easy and i don't trust other so easily but after talking with a person i can feel what he think for me and what's his purpose.

Sorry for going out of context apology from my side let's back on track

This wallet is only for special and selected peoples .

I see their post and give them from my pocket according to quality of their posts.

Some of it i give to my friends supporting me from start those are my best friends and they are my first priority.

From where i get money?

Basically no one give me from their pocket to give other so i make my own rules.

From everyday earning 20% amount I'll put in my wallet for special peoples to make their day good and appreciate their efforts

Current balance and proofs of payments

Specially for those who are thinking it's fake or I'm not doing any thing see here

proof and amount I've

As you can see my current balance and rewards i distributed for those who are doing good work out and I'm appreciating there efforts by giving small amounts.

Suggestions : I'm suggesting you guys to appreciate those good and hard worker and promote their work it cost nothing and also try to add little amount and give it to deserving peoples.

Noise cash march

From somewhere sitting on a chair got this idea to create separate wallet for noise cash different months so it will help me to calculate my 1 month income.

I started using this wallet after seeing payeer high fee's and moved to this and it is helping me a lot and cost 0 fee's to send.

Read cash

Same like noise cash nothing different will make another wallet next month to check and utilize monthly income and will suggest you guys to do this and make different wallets for different purpose .

Note : must save your seed phrase of all wallets you are using and never tell someone about this

An upcoming contest

As you guys know previous contest got less people's and my subscriber can't take benefit so I've decided to do another and easy one so they can participate.

Don't know when but not in these days I'm thinking to do it later on something special.

Suggest me and tell me you guys will support this time or not

Closing thoughts

Before ending this article i want to request you guys make plans and work professionally. Make a time table and give perfection to things and do clean work without any greed you will see results by applying things I'm currently applying and if you are doing this already tell me your experience and thoughts in comment section I'll love to read it.

If you enjoyed reading this article and you're going to apply this settings or not interested in it then please drop your feedbacks in comments where I'm doing mistakes or I'm going fine.

$ 9.35
$ 9.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Sujana
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
+ 5
Sponsors of Idksamad7869
Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago


looks like you can set a target to get your goal. continue to follow the path that you have made

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for reading and blessings words

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Best of luck.. Please sub and love me back.. Thanks❤❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Goodluck to your goals! I told you, don't leave this platform and now you chose the best choice 👍


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much just because of you guys showed love and support I'm trying my best ( ^∇^)

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you o(〃^▽^〃)o

$ 0.00
3 years ago