This life is very simple if you make it simple, and very difficult if you make it difficult. Then the choice is yours my friends. May God bless you all
This life is very simple if you make it simple, and very difficult if you make it difficult. Then the choice is yours my friends. May God bless you all
Is their own cup of tea. But they need to change actually
That is what a lot of people doesn't know or forgot and it caused them great problem
Yes brother. I pity that
As you mentioned life is as easy as you take it may Allah makes it easy for Us
Ameen summa ameen, I wish it could happen
The best of you is that you are the best In everything that you are doing.
Even you too, you are special in what you are doing and saying my friend
May our life together all be simple Everytime, ameen summa ameen
May God makes it simple for us in both dunya and hereafter
Ameen summa ameen, I mistakenly done it, putting Some one in spam
There is an option of undone
An excellent article from the oga at the top. We should always try and make our lives simple
Very good article dear
And alot of people doesn't understand that, and this is the reason why they are suffering