Alia lied!

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Written by
4 years ago

My guess is that you're wondering who Alia is.. Alas! There is no need to panic!! Just walk with me.

In a small town adjacent to the wild forest a handful of natives lived. Their major profession was cutting wood and making tools out of it. This made them interact with the public more. On every last Saturday of the month they'd troop out in their numbers to sell their stocks..did I mention that they did this with trembling feet?

Before things were so, they lived happily with the tribe; until Alia. Alia was the spoilt brat who doubled as the towns heir and a notorious bully. She never made it easy for anyone who dared look up when she talked. That was until she saw Axel; a strong, young, conservative lad whose idea of life was nothing near Alia's understanding. To be able to fill in his agenda she'd have to condescend, and condescend she did. In no time they became buddies, spent time together frolicking around town and the forest. Love could have no better expression. The flame of their love burnt so hot that they were extinguished by it; until Damian (Axel's father) put it out.

Unlike now where the freedom to choose who to marry is predominant, Axel had to allow his parents choose for him. Alia knew this would in a way alter her chances but she didn't want to walk out of her paradise just yet. She begged Axel to convince his parents that she was all he wanted, which was in no way a lie. He did, but Damian wasn't taking any of that; his son wasn't going to get married to a bully. So he chose Alita; the daughter of his close friend of a score years. All hell was let loose.

You see, they say that hell hath no fury like a lady who knows her father's concubine.. That is a mirage.

Alia cried for a week, and in her tears, she took a stand; she won't be the only one crying. She arranged with a few of hers; she was going to accuse Axel of rape. The set day came, she invited him to the forest as usual; this time, she said she wanted a last rendezvous (she knew he wanted it too). As planned, she screamed for help, tore her clothes, and in a few tinny winny seconds Axel was in shackles. The punishment for rape was death, but this was the Chief's daughter, so murder wouldn't appease him.

He gave his sentence; murder for Axel and banishment for his family. They tried to appeal but it made no difference. While the executioner was sharpening his knife, Alia was getting ready to reunite with her lover.

She wanted him and this time, death wasn't going to part them, it'd reunite them. Her poisoned drink made sure of that.

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Written by
4 years ago


Love in the 80's was such a hiccup. You couldn't really grant it expression. Thank God for civilization and human rights, we can now choose who e want while being cautious and wise.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great one

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User's avatar Win
3 years ago

This is my first read of the day. Already with your first sentences you pulled me right into this world. Thank you so much for sharing this.

I cannot add it to the community free writing because that one is for 10 minutes writing. I did add you to the community (short) Stories/Tales. A big thumbs-up 👍💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am glad to have put a smile on your face. I appreciate the good gesture.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, very interesting and funny. Alia as a spoilt brat and notorious bully. Lol. But overall nice story, really liked it, keep it up.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If that is the case how come you can not miss a thumbs-up? I am just curious to hear why it's not good enough to give it.

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4 years ago

I am as curious as you are.. It's a delight to know someone cares too...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much. Do forgive Alia, her parents didn't do so

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4 years ago