Blank Paper

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Avatar for Hunter
Written by
3 years ago

It's noon and I wish I could write. Pour everything I want to confess. But no, nothing came out of a letter or a word. It is difficult even if it is not obvious. I hold a pen and paper. A lot of it explodes in my brain. I would like to convey to you that you have made my heart attractive.

The case is the difficulty, the difficulty is the writing of what I feel. As if it would be funny or too mad. I don't know how but this is what I thought. I thought of a way to tell you. The writing. Because it's my mouth. This is the only way I can express my anger or love. Whether it's funny or "corny" listen. But even so, I will continue in a way that is light.

It will ease me and the people who read that it was not written in vain. A blank paper and an ordinary one like me. All the messages are written the way I know them. It will make you think. And visit the nights at night watching. It's funny because they always talk. While the clouds are sleeping.

I hold a blank paper. There is no discomfort in my troubled brain.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @wakeupkitty


I am a bit confused. Now that you have published this article, it means that your paper is no longer blank? or is this a poetry about a blank paper.

It felt like you want to write a love letter or something else. What it is that you want to write? If this is a poem, above is my response to it. It is an article that makes my heart wants to shout out.

What is it?

My heart wants to shout out,

Express your feelings...

Tell me,

What it is, that's in your heart and mind.

My ears are listening,

My mind is wondering,

Please oh please,

Let me know what it is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kitty is correct and yes you're right too. In this article i confess my feeling in writing because it's my mouth. Feel free to shout, just shout until your heart will be calm, shouting is the best medicine if you are hurt. But for me the best medicine is writing 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He told you and it's clear. I think your translator let you down here. Hunter wrote something awesome. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is the problem when I have to use a translator for reading. My instinct does tell me that this is good that it expresses a poem out of me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A perfect freewrite dear Hunter. It's close to poetry. If you are interested in that I would love to read you there too. 💕👍

SYT: Poems

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you kitty. Yes I'm really interested 💌

$ 0.00
3 years ago