Maintaining Relationships (POV OF AN INTROVERT)

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Written by
3 years ago

Quick update

How has September been ?

Answers: My September has been going well,

My plans?

Answers :my plans coming through, little challenges here and there but I still got it.

Do I still feel pumped up as September 1st?

Answer: No , but to honest I am not ruled by my feelings and I am led by God's spirit. Feelings may change but God's word is ever true .

So I would continue in this spirit of reviewing my September in all for articles for September in the light of encouraging myself and in hope to uplift another person.

..........................................................................................Today's business ..........................................................................................

I as an introvert,I think the toughest challenge I always face is maintaining relationships, so I try keeping having new friends to the minimal. Obviously making friends online is the easiest, since I don't have to leave my space .

Ps I meet new people and they are all lovely and I am friendly .I always put in my best ,I am an excellent person but it is just too much work to maintain relationships. I hope this article doesn't paint me in bad light!

Who is an introvert:


There is nothing wrong been an introvert , we are just different.

Best part of an introvert

  1. If in our heart we decide a person as our friend, we give our 100%. ..but be careful if you break that trust it hard to get it back..I guess this is peculiar to everyone?

  2. We are the most caring set of people, we care for our friends, we might not show it but we sure do . When you go through challenges, don't be surprised that your introverted friends are the only ones you might see.

  3. Since we don't get to talk a lot in our personal time, sorry we may talk your ear off when we meet but we are considerate and we are always working on listening more to you so we could be better friends to you.

  4. we are not prideful, many people mistake us as proud, we just like our space and since we are almost always on our own we tend to see the world differently. Like I always tell people , the world is not painted in black and white, there are several colours in the world ,expect diversity.

    (just like WebMD's definition, it depends solely on how you process the world)

    So don't be textbook guided, don't be rigid in your processing the world don't always expect that things are always meant to turn out in a particularly way. I hope I am making sense .

Our bad (maybe to an extroverted person)

When you meet an introvert for the first time and you have plans to be friends with them don't have high expectations of a normal social life..

  1. They might check on you less frequently than you expect, and this not because they do not care about you... but it's tasking , they have to leave their own bubble to socialize, and socialisingfor too long can be tiring for an introvert.

I personally don't like to make calls without a reason, if I made a call to you , definitely I have something to discuss....I feel like when you call without a purpose, you tend to discuss other people, you might end up speaking ill of people even if you had no plans to. (Like I said my perspective).

So I am not saying then you should be the only one giving your energy in a relationship with an introvert but trust us introvert, we always try our best we just need a little push here and then to meet up with you socially.

  1. Asides from the reaching out issues? Do you have any other issues with an introverted person? Raise in comment section below.

So maintaining relationships is hard work for an introvert.

Know your friends and relate with them based on their capabilities and abilities. Don't compare your friends .

Don't compare people with each other otherwise you would just get everybody's result instead of reaping potentials.

If you have an issue with someone , especially an introvert, we prefer you talk to us about it so we can make correction. We might act and not know we were hurting someone but we are swift to listen and take corrections .

Why am I really talking about this?

Well as an introvert, I really wish people would understand me as I do the same for them . I really do not like being compared with other people.

I have friends who understand me for me and friends who don't get it ....

I don't want them to feel that they can't understand me because I care and want them as friends. It is tasking but I am working on it. But hey I can't force them to stay 🤷‍♀️

Just for saying sake, I just found out most of the time I am always in my own space and oblivious to things around me usually these are things that aren't my business. It just always shocking to find out things have been happening around me and I wasn't aware. But this is no excuse for ignore ,I was try to keep myself with changes in my country and all over the world .

So this based on observation and purely Subjective.

If you think contrariwise to my opinion, be polite, I am open to learn, raise suggestions in comment 😉.

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Check put my awesome sponsors, they write the best articles out there and they are nice people 🤗

Have a wonderful day, I hope today will be better than yesterday 😊.

3rd August, 2021

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Written by
3 years ago


I sometimes have that same attitude where, oh my gosh, is that even happening? Hahahaha. Like I have no idea what is going around my circle, lol!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome to my world 🤭

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice. Thank you! 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I feel and hear ya loud and clear :D

"It just always shocking to find out things have been happening around me and I wasn't aware." -this got me! This is me :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

🤣🤣🤣, you would then wonder was I in the same space when all this was happening. Good to know I am not alone on this one 😉.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hehehe, I think it's our way of 'protecting' ourselves from 'unpleasant' events especially those we don't have control.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think you are correct 🤔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also don't like to call people. If you call me I might not pick up but immediately I will send you a text

$ 0.01
3 years ago

🤭 I hope your friends won't be seeing your comment because next time they see you they would fine you for not picking their calls. But in all honesty we should work on it because our friends aren't robots, they want some of ourselves for themselves, i.e part of us that is willing to come out of our comfort zone for them .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😂😂😂😂 yeah, I would work on that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Though i can't say I'm an introvert, i hate it when someone calls me for no particular reason. A text is okay, and i can chose to reply it or not. I don't mind someone doing the same to me. I just need people to understand me. I love my own company to others though sometimes i can be so outspoken. Let's just say I'm at the border of being an introvert and extrovert

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah🤣🤣 let's use the word border because you are no introvert. I can tell from our previous interactions 🤐😅. I hope people who fall into this class of your complaints and mine miraculously see this secret messages to them and adjust on their need to call us.🤥

$ 0.00
3 years ago