What should truly determine how you dress?

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1 year ago

We all know that different countries have their own way and style of dressing and that's because there is different determinant factor in different countries. For instance; people in the American or European countries tends to dress all covered up during the winter period because it's always freezing while people in some part of the African or Asian countries can decide to dress exposing some part of their body during the winter period because it's less freezing.

So in today's article, I will be addressing this popular question, "must I dress in a particular way?" as earlier stated above, there are lots of factors that could determine how an individual dresses which are:

  • Weather

  • Trends

  • Religion

  • Family

  • Culture/Tribe

  • Personal preference


The kind of weather condition at a particular period of time can determine how an individual dresses, ie. A person that likes to wear revealing dresses can decide to wear an overall jacket with a glove, a scarf, a sock and even an head warmer all in the name of weather change.


In my own side of the world, I see a whole lot of people who their dress style is based on what is currently trending, I mean to the extent that if a particular cloth is trending, their former clothes suddenly becomes useless. They go all out to make sure they get the latest trends which isn't that bad. Following trends isn't a bad thing on its own but what some people do just so they can follow trends is what seem bad. Making people who does not follow trends seem classless is also what makes trends bad.


This is also very cogent determinant factor for dressing in my country. We have three main religion in my country which are; Christianity, Islamic and Traditional religion and each religion has their own special ways of dressing. ie. The Muslims which is the Islamic religion believes that ladies should be covering their heads with hijab at all times while the other religions have alternative believes.


The kind of family you belong to also determines how you dress. For instance, if you hail from a family of a pastor, the society expects you to dress in a certain way while some family strongly believes in moderacy without any alterior motive which is why ones family can also be a strong determinant factor in the way you dress.


Tribe and Culture goes hand in hand and that's the reason I merge the two together. Different tribes have their different cultures which is the way they dress, the language they speak, the food they eat and so on.. but in this case, we would be focusing on the way they dress. We have three major tribes amidst numerous tribes in Nigeria which are the Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo tribe. The different tribes have their different ways of dressing which could affect the individual choice of dressing.

Personal preference

Ones personal choice can also determine how a person dresses. Some certain people (like me) neglects every other determinant factor for dressing and focuses on how they themselves want to dress, they does not let the society decide for them what they want to wear, they go for what fits them better and don't always follow trends. One thing I know is that even if you don't wear the latest Versace or Gucci, as long as you know how to dress well and you can combine clothes perfectly, you can never go out of trend!

My resolution is this...

Going for what you truly want to wear by evaluating what fits your body shape, what impact it's making in the society and what value it's adding to people lives should be the standard for choosing a dress. Do not copy what a friend is wearing or what is trending because what fits some other people might not fit you, be wise in choosing. However, Moderation should be your watchword. As they say, "You will be addressed the way you are dressed"

My name is "honey_bch" I am an inspirational and motivational writer, I also love telling stories about myself to backup my writings. Let me also meet with you in the comment section.

Thank you for stopping by and for reading up until here, I will see you in my next post and also in yours. See yah!🤩

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1 year ago


One's financial status also determines one's dressing too. All the points you have mentioned are all valid.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah.. I forgot to mention that .. thanks for the contribution

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1 year ago