Hi, it's me hiecho again. and I just want to give some information which really helps you to gain views and subscribers.
" It is based on my experiences in read cash. "
Last 2 weeks ago, I got only 30 Subscriber and I've been totally happy with that.
Satisfied with my achievements.
"Sometimes you must appreciate what you have right now."
But when I got an idea?! why I didn't boost my articles?!
Then I got started applying it to myself and keep going on this until now.
I've earned around 400 to 700 points daily in the last 5 days. And I'm starting to put my profits in budgeting.
"Like why we didn't give shared on read cash like 2 to 3 percent only? By using boosting?
For example
You earn 2 dollars today and put the 0.50 on boosting. or sometimes if you have 0.50 earnings and start boosting at 0.05 or 0.10?!
" This is a kind of giving thanks to read cash for allowing us to make a profit in a simple way. "
Then after 5 days I've earned 50 plus subscribers in just 5 days and reaching my views and comment in 50 to 70 persons?
It makes me amazed.
So, if you can start making this idea and you should always remember that. You must apply the word "give and take" for what you have right now.
"Because a generous person will be succeeded in life"
For what you have right now is a blessing and give it back a small percent as a tight.
Well have a great day and be safe.
That's true. Boosting our articles gives benefits to us. To gain subscribers and they can easily see it on the home page.