The Beauty of Sierra Madre.

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I captured it using iPhone 5s

It is great to see because it is my first time to climb in the mountains and see the beauty of the nature.

Way back of January 3. This is the time that we went to the Sierra Madre to climb it's famous mountains named pamintihan.

It looks hours to reach the top. We we start to climb at exact 7am in the morning and reach the top about 12noon.

In history that this Mountain use by girelyas in the mid of 1944. When world war two many Japanese use it also as a stronghold against us and ph forces.

In the present. It is used for tourist spot and swimming. See that this mountains are really good in all the time.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of Hiecho


Sierra Madre is such a beautiful tourist spot in the Philippines.

And we have lots more of this tourist spot that are just waiting to be discover.

$ 0.00
3 years ago