I'm so happy to see that even I'm not a professional writer and having grammatical errors. I still appreciate it and thank you for continually looking for my articles.
I'm still amazed and I will still be counting for more and believing. I hope everyone will be happy and safe. Be gracious and achieve for more.
I really appreciate for the great tipper of the month. @Telesfor @Koush @dexter. This 3 makes me believe that I can do it. Even they used an operant conditioning of B.F Skinner (1938)
Still, dream and never stop. I also giving thanks to @Read.Cash for making this medium to train and mold and produce more authors. To be honest I hate reading text and writing articles because of a lack of experience and knowledge. But because of your platform. You make everyone great. I'm continually supporting your plans for the future.
Be great.
For donation in my school-based learning system. Help me to have it.
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